EU Food Loss and Waste Prevention Hub

The IKEA Food Waste Initiative: "Food Is Precious"

  • Uploaded on Friday 21 of January 2022
  • Author(s) EuroCommerce

In 2017, IKEA set a goal to reduce production of food waste in all IKEA stores globally by 50% by the end of FY20. While the company did not reach that goal, IKEA did achieve some great results and implemented food waste solutions in more than 60% of all stores globally, resulting in an average waste reduction of 32%. That equals more than 10 million meals not wasted. Everyday IKEA is diminishing food waste and the ambition is now to diminish the production food waste by 50% by the end of 2022 in all IKEA stores globally

Name of organisation : IKEA

Contact email:

Further information:


Food is precious
How can we avoid wasting food?


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