EU Food Loss and Waste Prevention Hub

National measurement methods for food losses

  • Uploaded on Monday 04 of October 2021
  • Author(s) Karin Lindow, Ingrid Strid, Marie Olsson, Karin Östergren are the main authors.

The methods will be used to gain increased knowledge so that stakeholders throughout the entire food chain can contribute to measures and initiatives to ensure that more from the food production goes on to become food. They will also be used to follow-up goals and targets for reducing food loss within the Swedish environmental objectives system and the Agenda 2030.

The study describes how food losses will be studied and data gathered and analyzed for the production chains of pork, beef, milk, fish, wheat, potatoes, carrots and strawberries. They reach from primary production up to, but not including retail stage. The methods are now used in follow-up work on food losses in 2021–2022 in Sweden. 

Name of organisation : Swedish Board of Agriculture

Contact email:

Date of publication: 2021-09-17


Food loss in Sweden
(Food loss in Sweden.pdf - 1481KB)

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