EU Food Loss and Waste Prevention Hub

SirPlus food redistribution

  • Uploaded on Thursday 07 of October 2021
  • Author(s) METRO AG Germany

SirPlus, together with food industry players, is saving large quantities of surplus, non-compliant and out-of-date food from farmers, producers, logisticians, wholesalers and retailers and responsibly returning it to the cycle.

Private customers and companies can buy the rescued and perfectly edible goods directly in the SirPlus shop in Berlin or obtain them via the online shop with delivery within Germany. Further stores are planned all over Germany. As one of the first large companies, METRO entered into a cooperation with the start-up company, which collects food and beverages that would otherwise end up in the garbage, and sells them at low prices online and in the SirPlus stores.

Name of organisation : SirPlus

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