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"Health and Food Safety e-News" Newsletter Issues

Date Subject Language
20/04/2018 Endocrine disruptors: Commission adopts scientific criteria for plant protection products
18/04/2018 EU action against food waste: Commission publishes guidelines to facilitate valorisation of food no longer intended for human consumption as animal feed
17/04/2018 EU action against food waste: Commission publishes guidelines to facilitate valorisation of food no longer intended for human consumption as animal feed
16/04/2018 Fight against cancer: Joint Action Kick-off Meeting, Luxembourg, 16-17 April, 2018
13/04/2018 Animal Welfare: Report shows good implementation of the Directive on chickens kept for meat production
11/04/2018 4th meeting of the Steering Group on Health Promotion, Disease Prevention and Management of Non-Communicable Diseases
07/04/2018 Helping young people say no to tobacco: Commission launches EU Health Award for NGOs
27/03/2018 Building Cooperation in Cross-border Healthcare: New study maps state of play and optimal ways forward
23/03/2018 Food Safety: AAC - AA and FF Annual Report
22/03/2018 Health risks of oil and gas exploration in the EU: Commission launches public consultation on preliminary Opinion