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4th meeting of the Steering Group on Health Promotion, Disease Prevention and Management of Non-Communicable Diseases

date:  10/04/2018

Today in Brussels, the Steering Group on Promotion and Prevention[1] is holding its fourth meeting to discuss best practices to support national policies on non-communicable diseases. Several EU countries will present their experiences and their priority areas. Participants will be asked to select the 2018 round of best practices in the area of nutrition and physical activity, as well as to discuss proton therapy centres in the EU. Commissioner Andriukaitis will also address the members of the Steering Group.See other key topics below.


10:00-10:15                 Welcome by Martin Seychell, Deputy-Director General of DG SANTE

10:15-11:00                 Future EU presidencies' actions linked to the SGPP

11:00-11:45                 Implementation of best practices selected in 2017

11:45-12:30                 2018 round of selecting best practices:  nutrition and physical activity

12:30-13:30                 Multi-sectoral collaboration: European Investment Bank's (EIB) initiative on proton therapy 

14:30-15:30                 Future work of the SGPP: Development and implementation of agreed policies and research results

15:30-16:00                 Formalisation of the SGPP and the future rules of procedure

16:00-17:00                 Address by Commissioner Andriukaitis, EU Commissioner for Health and Food Safety


Previous Steering Group meetings:

30/11/2016: First meeting of the SG on Promotion and Prevention – Flash report

17/03/2017: Second meeting of the SG on Promotion and Prevention – Flash report

26/10/2017: Third meeting of the SG on Promotion and Prevention - Flash report

More information:


[1] Steering Group on Health Promotion, Disease Prevention and Management of Non-Communicable Diseases, composed of representatives from all EU and EEA countries and several Commission services (e.g. SANTE, EMPL, SRSS, RTD, JRC,  EAC)