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"Health and Food Safety e-News" Newsletter Issues

Date Subject Language
01/06/2018 EU-US Mutual Recognition Agreement: FDA gives 2 more EU countries seal of approval
30/05/2018 Health policies in the future EU budget (2021-2027)
28/05/2018 Commission adopts new rules on labelling origin of primary ingredients in food
28/05/2018 Study on pharmaceutical incentives published today!
25/05/2018 4th EU Platform on food waste and food losses focuses on consumers' role
23/05/2018 European Semester: Commission proposes health recommendations to 12 EU countries
02/05/2018 Evaluation of EMA fee system for the approval and monitoring of medicines: public consultation launched today
25/04/2018 Fight against food fraud: Commission's contribution to Europol/Interpol action against fraudulent fresh tuna
25/04/2018 EU legislation makes Blood, Tissues and Cells safer, but needs to keep pace with developments, Public Consultation finds
23/04/2018 EU legislation makes Blood, Tissues and Cells safer, but needs to keep pace with developments, Public Consultation finds