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Webinar: Be prepared – Can we forecast the next crisis and be ready to manage it?

When a crisis does strike, what do we need to know in deciding on effective action? How do we make sense of incoming information and data? Is it possible to build trust across our communities, and establish effective communications? Professor Maarja Kruusmaa and other experts in the field will discuss these critical issues, where we consider some of the lessons learnt from recent crises and what is needed for the future. This webinar is free and open to all. The audience will be able to pose questions and be part of the debate.

Why do we need public trust in times of crisis?

Watch the record of this session co-organised by the Royal Irish Academy. It looked into issues of trust between citizens and public institutions and was a part of the PERITIA final academic conference “Rethinking Policy, Expertise and Trust”.

Strategic crisis management in the EU – science and ethical advice for policy making presented at the EU Parliament

On 22 November 2022, experts from the Science Advice Mechanism to the European Commission (SAM) and from the European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies (EGE) jointly presented to the Commissioners Gabriel and Lenarčič their recommendations for improved strategic crisis management in the European Union. The ceremony was moderated by Joanna Drake - Deputy Director-General for Research and Innovation at the European Commission.

Entangled crises: how can the EU help?

The COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, the war in Ukraine, refugee crises, inflation... these crises and more have recently dominated headlines. They cross national borders and sectors, are complex and long-term in nature. Evidence shows that the cascading and rippling effects of crises extend to all parts of our society and the natural environment. The European Union was never intended to be a crisis manager, but should it play a more important role in tackling crises? Should it improve its strategic crisis management, and if so, how? What solutions are suggested by the latest scientific evidence? What ethical considerations should be taken into account in preparation and management of crises?

All things considered: the role of expert advice in climate-related crises

Adaptation is an integral part to our response to catastrophic climate change. The goal is to reduce our vulnerability to the harmful effects of climate change, not only related to the rising sea levels but also to more frequent and intense extreme weather events and the associated long-term effects (e.g. food/water insecurity). We invite you to join us for a COP27 EU side event on All things considered: the role of expert advice in climate-related crises. This session will try to make sense of the actual role of expert advice in strategic crisis management, considering that the fast response required in such situations may come at the expense of increased scientific uncertainty.

Integrating research for new cancer screening programmes

This live session of the Research and Innovation Days will be a debate on future cancer screening programmes that improve the early detection of cancer. What can be still improved? Which research is needed? Select your session as of today on the Research and Innovation Days platform to get an alert.

World Conference on Basic Sciences and Sustainable Development

Nebojša Nakićenović, Deputy Chair, Group of Chief Scientific Advisors, European Commission - moderates the session 7.1 on 22 September 2022 - "Connections of basic sciences with energy technologies, climate action, and protection of the environment".

PSF dissemination event in Greece (7 October 2022)

This event will take place at the Demokritos Research Centre in Athens. Its main objective is dissemination of the final report on the PSF Exercise in Greece among all relevant stakeholders. At the request of the Greek authorities, this report analyses the three main recommendations for future development and sustainability of the Greek national research infrastructures (NRIs), covering their efficient governance and management, indicators for monitoring and assessing them, and a national framework for RIs. 

The PSF Challenge – Mutual Learning Exercise (MLE)

This MLE on R&I Foresight aims to facilitate the exchange of information, experiences and lessons learned, and identify good practices at local, regional and national levels, to support and scale up citizen science across the European Research Area. Meetings for Topics 3, 4 and 5 will take place on: 12–13 September 2022 (Hungary) Topic 4: Enabling environments and sustaining citizen science (part two) 10–11 October 2022 (Slovenia) Topic 3: Maximising the relevance and excellence of citizen science 7–8 November 2022 (Germany) Topic 5: Scaling up citizen science

PSF MLE Foresight kick-off (27 September 2022)

The meeting presented the preliminary topics selected for the Mutual Learning Exercise (MLE), as well as the proposed course of action. Participants had the chance to discuss the MLE topics, meetings, locations, stakeholders and projects to be selected. In addition, the chair presented an introduction to foresight in the R&I domain and its institutionalisation and use across Europe. This helped to define the topics to be covered in the next meetings.

ESOF 2022 Plenary Session: Living in a World with Pandemics

This plenary panel at ESOF 2022 will explore the short and long term effects of pandemic on our lives, including the failings in the multilateral health system during the pandemic, global distribution of vaccines, the cost of the pandemic, other health outcomes such as cancer care, and lessons learned for future pandemic preparedness.

Final conference of the COST Cross-Cutting Activity on Science Communication

The conference will take stock of current trends and best practices on how to communicate science to policymakers and citizens, and how to include science communication activities within collaborative, interdisciplinary research programmes. Nicole Grobert - chair of the EU Group of Chief Scientific Advisors - will present on the importance and challenges of communicating science to policymakers.

Science for policymaking in France

Workshop organized by the JRC in the frame of the series on "Science for Policy across the EU", with the participation of Chief Scientific Advisor Professor Eric Lambin.

Transforming Science - Pathways Towards Sustainability and Trustworthiness

Professor Eric Lambin - member of the Group of Chief Scientific Advisors - will intervene at the ALLEA conference on May 12th to discuss with other high-level experts about the complexity and lessons learned from the pandemic crisis in translating knowledge and scientific data into transformative solutions for policy makers.

“Science advice under pressure” conference – save the date!

The European Commission’s Scientific Advice Mechanism warmly invites everyone working at the science-policy interface to save the date and participate in this conference, which aims to explore the key challenges of delivery science advice under pressure through a series of panel debates, interactive sessions and networking opportunities.

Science advice under pressure

Science advice must deliver fast. But this challenge puts science for policy under pressure. It must be clear and direct, even when the evidence is complex, incomplete, uncertain and controversial. It must maintain the highest standards of independence, even while working closely with policymakers. It must stay true to the values of science in a politically and socially complex world. The conference, organized by the Scientific Advice Mechanism to the European Union (SAM), will be an opportunity for the international scientific advice community to come together and discuss these challenges.