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Webinar: How to prepare an innovation procurement - 30 May: 9h00-12h30

Agenda of the webinar is available now. Join us for best practices and lessons learnt from real life case examples about the different steps to prepare an innovation procurement: (1) Prior art analysis and needs identification, (2) Open market consultation and market analysis, (3) Developing a business case for the procurement, (4) Preparing the tender documents and launching the procurement. The European Assistance For Innovation Procurement will explain the free of charge assistance that it offers to public procurers around Europe to implement these four types of activities. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions.

EIT Food Annual Event 2023 - Transforming Food Systems

Watch the live stream of the panel discussion “Reshaping food environments to enable a change in consumer behaviour” starting as of 10:15 in Riga (Latvia) - 9:15 CET. Maarja Kruusmaa will be giving some insights into the Advisors' policy recommendations from the upcoming scientific opinion "Towards Sustainable Food Consumption"

Who decides what you eat? The power of food environments on consumer diets

Eric Lambin and Erik Matthijs will discuss at the conference organised by the Federation of Enterprises in Brussels the scientific advice and policy recommendations delivered by the Scientific Advice Mechanism to the European Commission - "Towards Sustainable Food Consumption". You can follow the conference online with a web stream link on the event website.

International Day for Biological Diversity

Biological diversity is often understood in terms of having a wide variety of plants, animals and microorganisms. However, it also includes genetic differences within each species, for example, between crop varieties and livestock breeds, as well as the variety of ecosystems (lakes, forest, deserts, agricultural landscapes) that host interactions among their members (humans, plants, animals).

Given the importance of public education and awareness about this issue, the UN celebrates the International Day for Biological Diversity annually on 22 May and invites all to take part.

Forest Restoration Talks

Join the monthly webinars organised by SUPERB and IUFRO, which explore forest restoration questions from a diverse range of scientific perspectives, alternating their focus between a global and European level.

The series brings together researchers, practitioners, NGOs, policy makers and other interested stakeholders to explore practical forest restoration approaches, experiences and challenges worldwide.

Project: SUPERB

Citizen Voices for the EU Climate Transition

Over 15 months the European Green Deal call project “Citizen Voices for the EU Climate Transition” consulted more than 800 citizens and 260 national experts through a series of workshops in each Member State, to develop an EU Roadmap for Climate Transition.

To conclude this project, an online event has been organised to present the Roadmap and give the opportunity to citizens, experts and European Commission representatives to discuss and react to its findings and what action is being or will be taken.