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Assessment Study of the Urban Innovative Actions 2014-2020

Launched in 2015, the Urban Innovative actions provide urban areas throughout the EU with resources to test new and unproven solutions to address urban challenges with a total ERDF budget of EUR 372 million for 2014-2020. Five calls for proposals latter, it represents a set of 86 projects taking place in 19 Member states (and the United Kingdom) working towards making EU cities greener, safer, more inclusive, ready for the digital transition and a number of other urban issues in line with the Urban agenda for the EU. 

date:  10/02/2021

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The present study constitutes the first external assessment of the UIA while the implementation of the initiative is ongoing. Its findings must thus be seen as preliminary and not capturing a full impact for which an ex-post evaluation will be need, as from 2024 onwards. The assessment study draws a positive picture of achievements that can be observed so far: UIA calls for proposals generated a high interest from cities across Europe and resulted in a good mix of projects and forms of innovation that are starting to show tangible results.

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