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5 days to go before registration closes - badges and access to venues

Registration for workshops and events at #EURegionsWeek is open until 29 September, 17:00. Share our eNewsletter and invite your colleagues and stakeholders to register online. Please note on-site registration will not be possible. Access to workshops and all venues hosting events at the #EURegionsWeek is reserved for pre-registered participants only, who are invited to collect their personal conference badge upon arrival (with valid ID card). Find your closest badge delivery point: at the European Commission, Charlemagne building, Rue de la Loi or the European Committee of the Regions, Rue Belliard 101. Check locations and opening times in practical information. Remember to reserve time for security checks at the doors – arrive well on time!

Putting partnerships into practice

The EESC is putting the partnership principle in EU cohesion policy into practice. The Committee is also active in reinforcing territorial cooperation (such as in macro-regional and functional urban areas). The transition of our economy from a linear "extract-make-use-dispose" model to a more circular one is one of the key challenges Europe is facing. With this in mind, the EESC and the Commission have joined forces to launch the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform. To find out more, visit the EESC stand at the European Committee of the Regions (Foyer, 5th Floor).

Mediterranean cities fighting and preventing corruption

Chawki Tabib, President of the Tunisian Anti-corruption Agency, Guido De Clercq, Executive Director at Transparency International Belgium, and Majid Abu Zaid, Coalition for Accountability and Integrity (Palestine) will be among the speakers discussing "Good governance and transparency in the Mediterranean municipalities". This workshop is in line with the priority of the ARLEM - Euro-Mediterranean Regional and Local Assembly for 2017, on good governance at sub-national level. This includes transparency and fight and prevention of corruption. The speakers and the participants will analyse the situation in the region, show good practices such as the support to Libyan mayors within the Nicosia Initiative and discuss on policy proposals. The workshop is followed by a network event. Register to workshop 11A110 on 11/10.

A focus on local development and rural-suburban areas

LEADER has been used as a bottom-up local development tool in rural areas for over twenty years. It can now contribute to the development of communities in all types of areas across the EU under the instrument of Community-Led Local Development (CLLD). Come and discuss with us what the LEADER/CLLD method has achieved so far and where it will go next. The workshop will take place on 11 October (code 11C117). Digitisation can also positively influence economic added value within rural/suburban areas, with an overall impact on the local economy. EU funding is vital to support this transformative technology by cancelling out disadvantages while at the same time creating new opportunities to compete. Join the workshop 11C74 to find out how European regions can contribute to the successful roll-out of the digital agenda in Europe.

Scientific collaboration in space: knowledge and policies

Economic agents in European cities and regions become more and more active partners in scientific collaboration but this varies significantly in terms of their spatial dimension. How do policies contribute to improve the global performance of scientific centres and practical applicability of research results? How does scientific collaboration affect innovativeness and performance of territories and regions? Register for workshop 10C27 and participate in the discussion!

Regiostars Awards 2017

RegioStars Awards identify good practices in regional development and highlight original and innovative projects. The 24 selected finalists come from regions and cities in 20 Member States and one neighbouring country: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey and the United Kingdom and many of them address common challenges through cooperation across borders. The five award categories are: 1. Smart Specialisation for SME innovation 2. Energy Union: climate change 3. Women empowerment and active participation 4. Education and Training 5. CityStars: cities in digital transition The winners will be revealed during the Awards Ceremony on 10 October at Square and in the meantime you can vote for the ‘Public Choice Award’! Cast your vote on and spread the word!

Media programme

Journalists and media representatives are expected to attend and cover the EURegionsWeek on different media, for which a dedicated media programme is available. This programme includes the highlights of the EURegionsWeek, plus country specific and topical briefing sessions, interview opportunities as well as study visits to EU co-funded projects in Brussels, and more. For more information on media programme and how to contact our press services, check out event webpage for journalists.

Where to network during the Week?

There are many occasions for networking during the EURegionsWeek: meet people at the networking sessions linked to workshops and mingle at the European Committee of the Regions networking area (5th floor) or at the European Commission Centre Borschette, where networking areas are provided on each floor. Moreover, the EURegionsWeek "App" helps you to get in touch with others people and set up appointments.

What can cities do to protect citizens from air pollution? Discover the new Air Quality in Europe report

Around 90% of citizens in urban areas are exposed to air pollution up to levels considered harmful by the WHO and more than 130 European cities face air pollution above standards set by EU air quality legislation. Participants of the workshop 'Cities in transition - improving urban air quality' will learn more about air quality across Europe with the publication of the European Environment Agency report on ‘Air quality in Europe - 2017’ and discuss options cities have to improve air quality management, in combination with effective implementation of existing legislation on emissions from the industrial, energy, transport and agricultural sectors. Organised by the European Commission and the European Committee of the Regions on 11 October, 14.30-17.00. Register until 29 September (workshop code: 11B111).

European Regions of Gastronomy platform

Regions of gastronomy demonstrate creative, sustainable and responsible policies for promoting local food traditions, fostering new products and improving service. The European Regions of Gastronomy Platform and Award contribute to better quality of life in European regions by highlighting distinctive food cultures, educating for better health and sustainability and stimulating gastronomic innovation. The platform can be beneficial for your region too! The benefits of being a European Region of gastronomy will be discussed in presence of the regions of Catalunya, East-Lombardy, Noord-Brabant and Sibiu. The workshop "Food and gastronomy as innovation drivers for more resilient regions" takes place on 11 October. Register until 29 September (workshop code: 11A98).

Two more weeks to register!

You have until Friday 29 September to complete your individual programme of workshops and events. Please bear in mind that for security reasons on-site registration will not be possible. Register online

Eurostat regional yearbook 2017 published

The 2017 edition of the Eurostat regional yearbook provides a taste of the wide range of regional statistics available for the 276 NUTS level 2 regions (or even 1 342 NUTS level 3 regions for some indicators) of the 28 Member States of the EU as well as, when available, in EFTA and candidate countries. The publication opens with an overview of regional policies in the EU and European Commission priorities at subnational level. Economic and business related statistics are covered in three chapters: 'Economy', 'Structural business statistics' and 'Research and innovation'. It also presents regional data for specific sectors and economic activities. Finally, the publication closes with two new focus chapters: one on 'Cities', focusing on population, transport and the environment, and another on 'Rural areas', which displays specific data on poverty and social exclusion, housing, health, education, the labour market and the digital society and economy.

Thematic seminars - State aid in Broadband

There are still free places for the State aid seminar on broadband on 26th September in Brussels. The a targeted seminar on how to deal with State aid in broadband projects co-financed from the European Structural and Investment Funds is organised by DG REGIO together with DG COMP. The seminar will be interactive and hands-on, dealing with concrete cases and exchanging good practices and lessons learnt in order to provide pragmatic ideas and solutions.

University workshops

This year we have a very rich set of workshops in the University programme. The University workshops present new research on regional and urban development and facilitate the creation of networking links between students, academics, EU institutions and regional partners, and raises awareness of EU cohesion policy among students and young researchers. Join one of our sessions touching the regional dimension of inequality (code 10A33), growth potential in EU border regions (code 10A5), regional and urban policies and evaluation (code 11C105), globalisation and de-globalisation (10B32), Urban and Living Labs (11B104) and the importance of spatial aspects of scientific collaboration (10C27).

Join the IUC city-to-city cooperation programme

Cities in the Member States of the European Union who wish to exchange with a city facing similar challenges in another global region are encouraged to apply for the International Urban Cooperation (IUC) city-to-city cooperation programme on sustainable urban development. The programme aims to foster links between EU cities and those in Latin America and the Caribbean, India, Japan, and North America. Through the programme, local leaders will be able to connect and gain new perspectives on pressing sustainable development issues. Successful candidates will be paired with a city that faces related challenges, allowing both parties to cooperate, build connections and share knowledge. Representatives from each city will take part in study tours, staff exchanges, trainings and seminars, etc. and will develop together a local action plan to drive sustainable urban development in the selected area.


This yearly competition honours Europe's most inspiring projects supported by EU Cohesion Policy and your vote is decisive for the Public Choice Award! The project that gets the most votes via all voting channels (this site, social media, event app) will receive the ‘Public Choice Award’ during the RegioStars Awards ceremony together with all winners, so make sure to cast your vote and spread the word! Deadline to vote is 9th October midnight Brussels time:

Interactive workshops and capacity building at the Committee's premises

A series of interactive workshops will be organised at the European Committee of the Regions' open space by Urbact, Interreg Europe and Interact Programmes. Explore good practices with the Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform (10C14) and discover how to transfer good city practices thanks to the URBACT transfer networks (10C48). Find out how to transform learning into actions (11C72, Interreg Europe) or see how to address urban and regional challenges through public procurement (Interact Programme, 11C120). Interested? Register online!

Plan your journey

VisitBrussels, the communications agency for tourism in the Brussels-Capital Region, can help you with hotel reservations, as well as in finding out more about the Brussels' events agenda during the European Week of Regions and Cities. Check out the VisitBrussels' website for more information.

Disaster Risk Management in European Regions

The European Committee of the Regions (CoR) and the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) invite you to their yearly policy event on 12 October, 14:30 to 17:00. This high-level side event on disaster risk reduction at local and regional level in Europe will focus on how to reduce the number of affected people (Sendai Target B). Two panels will discuss the role of local and regional authorities in disaster prevention and the role of financial instruments for closing the gaps in disaster risk governance. Keynote speakers include CoR President Karl-Heinz Lambertz, Commissioner Corina Crețu and Robert Glasser, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction. More information and registration. View the other European Week side events.