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Practitioners implementing ESIF in Member States have raised the following questions on many occasions: Whom do we contact on specific topics? Do others face similar challenges as we do and how could these be addressed? How were similar problems solved in other Member States? How to approach specific guidelines from the Commission? A pilot project "REGIO Communities of Practitioners" has been set up trying to address how to tackle these types of questions. The REGIO Communities of Practitioners are informal groups of Member State practitioners which focus on finding solutions for addressing shared issues, challenges or problems linked to implementation of programmes and projects funded under the ERDF and/or the Cohesion Fund.

Discover what the VisitBrussels and Bozar stands have to offer

Make sure to stop by the VisitBrussels and Bozar stands at the Square Convention Centre. Both stands are located on level 0 on the passerelle between the escalators and the Silver Foyer and have a lot of useful information you should not miss! VisitBrussels – is the communication agency for tourism in the Brussels Capital Region. The staff at the desk will be there to help you with any kind of information you might need on the city as well as assist you in hotel reservations and answer any logistical questions you might have. VisitBrussels will also have a stand at Brussels main airport Zaventem to welcome you and assist you from the very beginning of your stay. The stand will be located at arrivals on the right hand side; LED screens will help you identify it.

What are the Media & Youth4regions Programme?

The EU Regions’ Week benefits from high media attention all around Europe, with some 130 journalists from the Member States coming to attend the event every year. They follow a specifically designed media programme, aimed at enabling the media to make the most of their time in the Week. There is a focus on meetings with relevant stakeholders, which allow the journalists to see the faces behind Cohesion Policy, be they commissioners, European Commission experts or authorities from the Member States, as well as the many cohesion stories that show the real value of our policy for Europe. This year we continue last edition’s successful programme dedicated to young journalists: Youth4Regions. Nearly 20 young European journalists or students get to learn during the EURegionsWeek what it takes to become a journalist covering Cohesion Policy. The aim is to enable the development of the next generation of journalists specialized in Cohesion Policy.

Agora Talks – the EU Budget for the future and Cohesion Policy legislative proposals explained

The post-2020 EU budget and cohesion policy proposals will take centre stage at this year’s edition of the #EURegionsWeek with the Agora Talks. This initiative will take place in the Agora Hall located at level -2 of the Square Convention Centre, and will consist of 30 minutes expert speech and 30 minutes questions from the audience. This is the opportunity to enhance your understanding of the new proposals for 2021-2027. Registration for the sessions will open shortly on the European Week of Regions and Cities 2018 website. Sign up and debate in your native language (EN, FR, DE) with European Commission experts and #CohesionAlliance partners; namely the Council of European Municipalities and Regions and the Association of European Border Regions.

Don't miss the Agora – the new arrival @ the European Week of Regions and Cities 2018

The Agora is a brand new element to the European Week of Regions and Cities 2018. The Agora Hall located level -2 of the Square Convention Centre will host an interactive exhibition of different stands organised by thematic clusters. Participants will be able to visit and interact with the exhibitors and learn about the various topics represented in an innovative and entertaining way. The space also aims to facilitate networking and spontaneous gatherings of participants. Don't miss the first evening (Opening event) as you will have the possibility to taste mouth-watering specialities from some of EU regions. The Agora will also include relaxation areas and catering, serving as the meeting point for the entire event. Stay tuned for more information on the Agora programme!

Still can't decide which sessions to attend? Here are a few tips for you.

Air quality is one of the biggest issues of our time, and many European cities still struggle to provide good air quality for their citizens. The Urban PM2.5 Atlas: Air Quality in European cities session aims to identify the proper tools to better trace the origins of air pollution and understand at which level it is best to act against this serious concern. Interested in finding out more about cities which use design and user-focused methods to boost economic, social, cultural and environmental development? Sign up to the Lille Metropole 2020 World Design Capital: boosting urban development session. Lille Metropole has been designated 2020 World Design Capital and will experiment with new ways of producing and using public and private goods and services, thanks to design.

Not just the Square but also many different venues to explore!

Did you know that some of the sessions of the European Week of Regions takes place in other venues than the Square Convention Centre? The session on Local and regional authorities fostering energy transition policies for example, takes place at the European Committee of the Regions premises. While the workshop on How can regional cooperation help maximise blue growth opportunities? will welcome its participants at the Norway House building. If you wish to attend the Building cohesive communities through solidarity and volunteering participatory session make sure you go to the Representation of the Slovak Republic to the EU premises. The different venues will give you a chance to visit different parts of the city as well as different buildings and institutions. Make sure you check the venue of the sessions you want to attend to avoid last minute surprises! A map of all the venues will shortly be available on the event website.

Urban Innovative Actions & Update on Urban Agenda for the EU

Curious to learn how cities are testing new ways to tackle local challenges? Come join the Announcement winners Urban Innovative Actions & Update on Urban Agenda for the EU workshop. You will have the possibility not only to listen to concrete examples of how the Urban Agenda partnerships help cities address different urban challenges, but also to meet the winners of the third call of the Urban Innovative Actions on climate change, air quality, housing and jobs and skills. Also, get ready for the announcement of the next call for proposals!

Practical information to ease your stay in Brussels

The main venue of the #EURegionsWeek, the SQUARE - Brussels Convention Centre, is located close to the city centre. Many hotels can be found in its proximity. VisitBrussels, the communications agency for tourism in the Brussels-Capital Region, can help you with hotel reservations, as well as finding out more about the Brussels' events agenda during the European Week of Regions and Cities. Check out the VisitBrussels' website for more information.

Take your pick, chose your session

There are over 170 working sessions in this year's edition of the European Week of Regions and Cities. Did you get a chance to browse through the programme on the events website and have a look at all of them?

Don't miss the Regiostars awards ceremony and the official reception

The RegioStars Awards have become a highly visible and sought-after accolade, rewarding the most original, innovative and inspiring projects financed under Cohesion Policy; projects that stand out as examples for others around Europe. This year 102 applications were received in 5 categories: 1. Supporting smart industrial transition 2. Achieving sustainability through low carbon emissions 3. Creating better access to public services 4. Tackling migration challenges 5. Investing in cultural heritage The 5 prizes, as well as the public choice award, will be granted during the ceremony taking place on Tuesday 9 October, 19:00, at the SQUARE Conference Centre in Brussels. The Regiostars Ceremony is open to all event partners and participants subject to prior registration on a first come, first served basis. The official reception will take place at the SQUARE Conference Centre and it is open to all event partners and participants subject to prior registration.

Competency framework for ERDF/Cohesion Fund and self-assessment tool: now available in 9 languages

Would you like to be able to identify the competencies that are available or are lacking in your administration? The Competency framework for the ERDF/Cohesion Fund and its self-assessment tool, now available in nine languages, can help you to achieve this and address any competency gaps. Achieving the goals of ESIF investment is dependent on more than just funding – it requires skilled public servants working in efficient organisations. Administrations which manage the funds are therefore confronted with how to best attract the right people with the right combination of competencies to their organisations. To this end, the European Commission has developed a competency framework alongside a self-assessment tool in order to help Managing Authorities and other bodies involved in the implementation of the ERDF and the Cohesion Fund to identify the skills and competencies their staff need. The tool can help to identify any competency gaps so that these can be addressed.