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Hostile Vehicle Mitigation – Workshop on new ISO 22343 standard – 20th June 2024

Participate in our upcoming HVM workshop on the new ISO standard on Vehicle Security Barriers

date:  16/05/2024

Are you interested in the (still relatively) new ISO 22343 standard on Vehicle Security Barriers (VSB)? 

We have scheduled a workshop on the 20th of June 2024, from 10:00 -11:00 to exchange on this subject.  

The online workshop will be held in English and it will address aspects from both parts of the standard: 

  • Part1: Performance requirement, vehicle impact test method and performance rating, as well as the 

  • Part 2: Application focussing on the guidance on the selection, installation and use of VSBs as well as the design method to assess the performance of VSBs. 

We are happy that Mr. K. Skov-Mikkelsen, Director of SikkerhedsBranchen, the Danish Association for Safety and Security, will share with us his experience on the subject.  

Tell us about your experiences. We would like to generate comments from a wide variety of stakeholders, including barrier manufacturers, tests institutions but also from municipalities and cities. 

If you would like to participate, please send an email to  

Upon acceptance, we will provide you with a videoconference link.