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A collection of best practices for the protection of public spaces against terrorist attacks

How can we better protect public spaces in Europe - without restricting fundamental rights and freedoms? What innovative solutions or concepts exist in other EU countries? This handbook is the result of the ISF-funded SafeCi project and presents 25 examples of good practice from different European cities.

date:  24/06/2021

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How can we better protect public spaces in Europe - without restricting fundamental rights and freedoms? What innovative solutions or concepts exist in other EU countries?

These questions motivated the Berlin Police to create a project for the protection of public spaces. The aim of the project SafeCi (Safer Space for Safer Cities) was to analyse and evaluate existing concepts, strategies and technical solutions to improve the protection of public spaces and to ensure public safety in Europe.

During the project, an intensive exchange of information took place between the consortium partners, representing 10 European police authorities.

SafeCi brought together and gave structure to existing know-how and provided a comprehensive European overview on protection measures for public spaces.

The results have been compiled into a handbook (EU Restricted) with the title:

European Recommendations for the Protection of Public Spaces against Terrorist Attacks

It contains six key topics with 25 examples of good practice in Europe.

The key topics of the handbook are:

  • Risk and threat assessment for public spaces
  • Structural protection of public spaces
  • Event security in public spaces
  • Protection of Critical Infrastructure
  • Innovative approaches to protecting public spaces
  • Awareness-raising strategies for the protection of public spaces

European police and security authorities can order the handbook from the publisher via A short version of the handbook which provides selected practical examples is freely available.