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I found my peace and treatment in Turkey

Adnan Zamat, who lives with his wife in Ankara, explains that he found the cause of the health problems he had been experiencing since his childhood while in Turkey. After fleeing Iraq, he was able to receive a diagnosis of his illness, and to meet the cost of his specific medical needs with the help of the Complementary Emergency Social Safety Net (C-ESSN). The C-ESSN project, financed by the EU and implemented through the Ministry of Family and Social Services, allows for support, hope, and even healing for the most vulnerable migrants who have taken refuge in Turkey. The C-ESSN serves the most vulnerable refugees identified among the Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN) beneficiaries, including non-Syrian refugees.

Mobile health services reach most vulnerable in agriculture

“They work in fields and live as a small group far away from the city centre so they don’t have to learn Turkish which makes it difficult for them to explain when they have health issues. We can say that they are the most vulnerable of the refugee community.” Syrian doctor Valid Ibrahim explains, speaking about seasonal migrant agricultural workers in Turkey. Doctor Ibrahim works for the Sihhat project, financed by the EU and implemented by the Turkish Ministry of Health, which provides mobile health services designed to reach out to patients also in these more remote areas.

Refugees with disabilities find hope in Turkey

Ryman, 43, from northern Syria, has been unable to walk ever since she was a small child. When the war in Syria started in 2011, life became even more difficult for her, and in 2017 she managed to flee to Turkey. A project funded by EU humanitarian aid helped her access health services, boost her self-esteem and make her own living. The EU provided financial support to help set up a service unit for refugees with disabilities. The service units help people with special needs access services such as counselling, psychosocial support and legal advice, as well as learning about rights and entitlements.

“My life was always a war”

Rehaf fled the war in Syria with her two daughters in 2015. The young mother found safety in Turkey and managed to build a new life and future for herself and her children. EU-funded psychosocial support has helped her get through difficult times. Humanitarian projects in Turkey support refugees like Rehaf in accessing essential services like protection, specialised health, education and meeting their basic needs.

Climate for Cities (C4C) Programme

The EU has selected six projects for funding under the “Climate for Cities” (C4C) Programme, following a competitive selection and award process. These projects will be implemented in different countries of the Southern Neighbourhood region.

Water & Environment Support Project (WES)

The first video of the WES project has just been produced! It is the video developed for Component 2-Water use efficiency, on the topics of Water Demand management (WDM) and Non-Revenue Water (NRW), titled “HELP SAVE A DROP”.