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Overview   European Transport Corridor & Horizontal Priority

European Transport Corridor & Horizontal Priority

20th Scandinavian-Mediterranean European Transport Corridor Forum Meeting

The 20th meeting of the Scandinavian-Mediterranean Corridor Forum – the first under the revised TEN-T Regulation – is going to take place in Brussels on the 21st of November 2024, between 09:00 and 13:00. The official invitation to Corridor Forum members and draft agenda will be issued in early autumn 2024, together with further instructions how to register to the event.

First Baltic Sea-Adriatic Sea European Transport Corridor Forum meeting

The first meeting of the Baltic Sea-Adriatic Sea Corridor Forum is going to take place in Brussels on the 19th of November 2024, between 14:00 and 18:00, in Rue de la Loi 102, Auditorium, Ground floor, 1049-Brussels. The official invitation and draft agenda will be issued in October 2024, together with further instructions to register to the event.

Coordinator dialogue with the RAGs and TAGs of the Baltic-Adriatic and Amber Rail Freight Corridors

The European Coordinator, Ms Anne Elisabet Jensen, will participate in the meeting of the Railway Advisory Groups and Terminal Advisory Groups of the Rail Freight Corridors Baltic-Adriatic and Amber. The Rail Freight Corridor Baltic-Adriatic will host the meeting, which will involve all the logistics nodes of the newly established Baltic Sea-Adriatic Sea Corridor. This represents a continuation of the Baltic-Adriatic Working Group of Ports and Rail Road Terminals, now extended to the Railway Undertakings.

Visits to the Corridor transport ministries

Ms Anne Elisabet Jensen, plans to visit the Corridor Ministries of Transport in autumn 2024 and early 2025 to inaugurate her new mandate as Coordinator of the Baltic Sea-Adriatic Sea European Transport Corridor.

2024 CEF Transport call for proposals

On 24 September 2024, the European Commission launched the 2024 CEF Transport calls for proposals, offering €2.5 billion of funding for projects on the TEN-T network. The call is open until 21 January 2025. An online Info Day will be held on 2 October.

Towards the Baltic Sea-Adriatic Sea European Transport Corridor

In September 2024 I was appointed as the European Coordinator for the Baltic Sea-Adriatic Sea Corridor. I am grateful to the European Institutions and the Corridor Member States for the trust they put in me. Mr Marcin Wójcik as the adviser at DG MOVE and Mr Michal Žiliak as the adviser at CINEA will assist me during my mandate. Let's continue to work together towards completing the Baltic Sea-Adriatic Sea European Transport Corridor with the same constructive attitude and spirit of cooperation experienced so far on the Baltic-Adriatic Core Network Corridor.

Towards the Scandinavian-Mediterranean European Transport Corridor

In July 2024 the revised TEN-T Regulation (Regulation (EU) 1679/2024) entered into force. The Regulation updates TEN-T policy objectives, sets out infrastructure and operational targets and extends the alignment of the Scandinavian-Mediterranean European Transport Corridor (ETC Scan-Med). On September 9 2024 I was re-appointed as European Coordinator for the Scandinavian-Mediterranean Corridor. I would like to express my gratitude to the European Institutions and the Corridor Member States for the trust they put in me. It is my great honour to perform the duties of Coordinator during the next mandate of four years. During this period, I will be assisted by Mr Martin Zeitler as the advisor at DG MOVE and Mr Thomas Lazzeri as the advisor at CINEA. I am convinced that my team and all Corridor stakeholders will continue to work together towards completing the ETC Scan-Med with the same constructive attitude and spirit of cooperation experienced during my previous mandates.

News from the press

As part of the 2024-2026 Baltic Sea-Adriatic Sea Corridor study, a monthly press review is conducted for internal use by the European Coordinator and European Commission. Selected articles focus on Corridor activities by the European Coordinator and Institutions, progress in the achievement of the TEN-T infrastructure and operational requirements, plans and strategies by the Corridor Members States and Stakeholders of relevance to implement the TEN-T policy. Read more for an update on the Corridor progress over the past months.

European Transport Corridor studies kicked-off in March 2024

The European Commission has selected 11 consortia of transport consultants to support the European Coordinators in implementing the nine European Transport Corridors and two horizontal priorities: European Maritime Space (EMS) and European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS). The contract for the Baltic Sea-Adriatic Sea European Transport Corridor study has been awarded to a consortium led by Tplan Consulting, involving HaCon, iC Consulenten, NDCon, Panteia, and the University of Maribor.

The 2024-2026 study on the Scandinavian-Mediterranean European Transport Corridor is ongoing

The European Commission has selected 11 consortia of transport consultants to support the European Coordinators in implementing the nine European Transport Corridors (ETCs) and two horizontal priorities: European Maritime Space (EMS) and European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS). The contract for the Scandinavian-Mediterranean European Transport Corridor study has been awarded to a consortium led by KombiConsult, involving Hacon, PTS CLAS and Ramboll and gradually started in March 2024.

Scandinavian-Mediterranean European Transport Corridor Press Corner

As part of the 2024-2026 ETC Scan-Med study, a monthly press review is conducted for internal use by the European Coordinator and European Commission. The selection of the relevant articles focuses on those news reporting on facts related to the Corridor activities by the European Coordinator and Institutions, progress in the implementation of the projects and measures impacting on TEN-T infrastructure and operational requirements, plans and strategies by the Corridor concerned Members States and Stakeholders of relevance for the implementation of the TEN-T policy. Read more for an update on the relevant Corridor progress over the past months.

Corridor seminar at the Connecting Europe Days 2024, Brussels

A first Baltic Sea-Adriatic Sea Corridor event took place at the Connecting Europe Days on April 5, 2024, in Brussels, as a seminar heralding its future establishment. Ms Anne Elisabet Jensen presented the new European Transport Corridor to the TEN-T community, discussing main expectations and challenges associated with the revised TEN-T Regulation with the Corridor stakeholders.

Scandinavian-Mediterranean European Transport Corridor session at the Connecting Europe Days 2024 in Brussels

The event on April 5, open to all attendees of the Connecting Europe Days 2024, was intended to inform about the revised TEN-T Regulation, in particular regarding the European Transport Corridors (ETC), and the impacts on the ETC Scan-Med. The European Coordinators' view on current and future challenges for transport infrastructure and investment needs have been presented as well as corridor specific statements of the Member States' representatives from all eight Corridor countries: Norway, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Austria, Italy and Malta.

Brenner Corridor Platform plenary session held in München

On June 6, 2024 all representatives of the Brenner Corridor Platform met to discuss infrastructural and operational aspects of rail traffic between Munich and Verona. They exchanged about the status of construction works for Brenner Base Tunnel and its access lines from North and South and they agreed that additional rail infrastructure along the whole corridor is required. A major aspect of the annual meeting was also to agree further measures which remove the operational burden when crossing country borders or system limits and which are about to allow a true seamless rail operation already before the opening of the new infrastructures.