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The new CERV programme is finally here and new calls for proposals are waiting for you!

We are looking forward to fund good projects that will support and promote fundamental rights and Union values, citizen’s engagement and participation, democracy and rule of law, equality and fight against discriminations gender-based violence and violence against vulnerable people. 6 new calls for proposal for action grants and 2 specific for operating grants are now open. Don’t miss these funding opportunities!

date:  24/04/2021


1. Call for proposals to promote equality and to fight against racism, xenophobia and discrimination (CERV-2021-EQUAL)

Available budget: 9.9 million

Deadline for submission: 15/06/21

This call aims to support actions to prevent and combat all forms of intolerance and discrimination on the grounds of racial or ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation, and gender identity offline and online, with an emphasis on intersectional approach. Taking into consideration the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the affected individuals and groups in terms of discrimination, intolerance and hate, this call focuses on the following priorities:

Priority 1: Fighting against intolerance, racism, xenophobia, discrimination, hate speech and hate crime

Priority 2: Promoting diversity management and inclusion at the workplace, both in the public and private sector

Priority 3: Fighting discrimination against LGBTIQ people and promoting LGBTIQ equality through the implementation of the LGBTIQ Equality Strategy

Priority 4: Preventing, reporting and countering hate speech online

Priority 5: Restricted to public authorities to improve their responses to (multiple and intersectional) discrimination, racism and xenophobia

The projects supported under this call are aimed at awareness-raising, support of subjects of discrimination, improvements of responses to discrimination and implementation of effective mechanism for counteraction and prevention.

Moreover, we need projects that will support the following EU policy initiatives:


                      In 2014-2020, projects awarded in this area received the total funding of 125 million euro.


2. Call for proposals to prevent and combat gender-based violence and violence against children (CERV-2021-DAPHNE) 

Available budget: 17.7 million

Deadline for submission: 15/06/21

This call addresses the issue of gender-based violence and violence against children, which have been exacerbated by the pandemic, noting an increase in domestic violence, online abuse and exploitation of women and children, in particular. The priorities of this call for 2021 are:

1. Early detection, prevention and protection of and/or support to women, children, young people and LGBTIQ victims of violence related to the COVID19 pandemic;

2. Preventing gender-based violence by addressing masculinities and the engagement of men and boys.

We need projects that will support the following EU policy initiatives:


In the previous Rights, Equality and Citizenship programme, the “Daphne projects” were one of the most funded with an average contribution of 453 300 euro per project. 


3. Call for proposals to protect and promote the rights of the child (CERV-2021-CHILD)

Available budget: 2.1 million

Deadline for submission: 07/09/21

This call aims to support the priorities of the new EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child as well as to address the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the wellbeing of children, particularly those in vulnerable conditions. The objective of the call is the establishment of adequate mechanisms supporting the gender and age specific needs of children and to mainstream children’s rights in responses to COVID-19, but also to any other emergency situation. This call encourages a direct collaboration with children in order to create inclusive and efficient practices.


 In the previous Rights, Equality and Citizenship programme, 200 organisations were supported to protect and promote children’s rights in the EU.


4. Call for proposals limited/restricted to national Data Protection Authorities on reaching out to stakeholders in data protection legislation (CERV-2021-DATA)

Available budget: 1.85 million

Deadline for submission:  09/09/21

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) represents an important part of the area of justice and fundamental rights providing increased transparency, trust and empowerment of individuals in the use of technology and data processing. This call aims to support activities carried out by the national data protection authorities. The activities under this call include the development of practical guidance, trainings and tools facilitating the implementation of GDPR obligation by small and medium-sized enterprises and a general dissemination of information and awareness of data protection amongst the public.


      During the previous funding period, projects awarded under this call received an average funding of 240 000 euro.


5. Call for proposals on European Remembrance (CERV-2021-CITIZENS-REM)

Available budget: 4.5 million

Deadline for submission:  22/06/21

This call will support projects aimed at commemorating historical moments and developments of the 20th century in order to raise awareness about their importance and relevance for today’s world. Its purpose is to preserve the historical memory and fight the distortion and denial of historical events that were essential in shaping the European history, such as the Holocaust. The thematic priorities of the call include the commemoration, research and education of crimes committed under totalitarian regimes, in particular the Holocaust, as well as the resistance and democratic transition. Specific emphasis is put on the transnational dimension of remembrance and a cross-border exchange to foster the common European understanding of history, cultural values and belonging.


In the previous Europe for Citizens programme (funding period 2014-2020), around 1800 organisations were supported under this call.




Please be aware that, in 2021, the Framework Partnership Agreements call and the Operating grant call will have to be submitted in parallel (see below).


1. Call for proposals for 4-year framework partnership agreements to support European networks, civil society organisations active at EU level and European think tanks in the areas of Union values (CERV-2021-OG-FPA)

Deadline for submission: 22/06/21

The Commission is looking for new framework partners for the next 4 years and this call aims to set up Framework Partnership Agreements with European networks, think thanks and civil society organisations whose activities contribute to the implementation of the CERV programme’s objectives and priorities, such as:

·           Promotion and protection of Union values;

·           Promotion of equality, prevention and fights against discrimination;

·           Promotion of gender equality;

·           Combatting racism, xenophobia and all forms of intolerance;

·           Protection and promotion of the rights of the child;

·           Promotion of European remembrance;

·           Promotion of citizens’ engagement and participation;

·           Prevention and fight against gender-based violence;

·           Prevention and fight against violence against children.

The activities concerned can include research, trainings, exchange of good practices or general awareness raising.

On the basis of the Framework Partnership Agreements, an annual operating grant can be awarded to European networks, organisations and think tanks, in order to finance their activities and projects. See the call below (“Operating grants to Framework Partners”).


2. Operating grants to framework partners active in the areas of Union values (CERV-2021-OG-SGA)

Available budget: 20.9 million

Deadline for submission:  29/06/21

The aim of this call is to support on an annual basis the functioning of the European networks, organisations and think tanks that have signed the 4-year Framework Partnership Agreement (see above) and are active in the areas of CERV programme objectives.

Therefore, this year, European networks, organisations and think tanks need to apply in parallel for becoming first a framework partner for the next four years (see call above) and then for receiving the first year grant (by applying also to this call).



We look forward to receiving your proposals. Just don’t leave it to the last minute, technical issues are not uncommon and could delay your application.


For more details, check these pages on the Funding & tenders portal:

CERV programme

CERV programme – FAQs



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