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‘United in Diversity – a common challenge’ - EU Diversity Charters’ Annual Forum

The 10th EU Diversity Charters' Annual Forum will bring together around 200 participants from private and public sector, civil society and others, who are passionate about creating diverse and inclusive workplaces.

date:  10/04/2019


A lot has happened in the field of equality, non-discrimination and diversity in Europe over the last decades:

  • principle of equal pay for men and women was introduced in the Treaty of Rome in 1957 and gender equality directives adopted since the 1970s
  • almost 20 years ago the Race Equality and Employment Equal Treatment Directives were adopted
  • the EU Platform of Diversity Charters, a voluntary initiative network was set up 10 years ago
  • four years ago the European Commission gave a strong signal by adopting the Strategic engagement for gender equality 2016-2019 and European Commissions’ List of Action to advance LGBTI equality.

European Commission is honoured to organise this year's annual forum in Brussels on 16 May together with all the Diversity Charters to take stock, how these and other developments have influenced equality in Europe and at the workplace, to see how can we all advance the discourse of diversity and inclusion, how role models can make a change and what do we need from leaders.

For more information, visit the event page 


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