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Friday 3 November is European Equal Pay Day

Today, the average hourly pay of women in Europe is 16.3% lower than that of men. European Equal Pay Day, which falls on 3 November this year, marks the moment when women effectively stop getting paid compared to their male colleagues, with almost two months of the year remaining.

Kroll/European Commission

date:  31/10/2017

First Vice-President Frans Timmermans, Commissioner Marianne Thyssen and Commissioner Věra Jourová said:

"Gender equality, including equal pay for men and women, is one of the EU's founding values. But it is still far from a reality. For the past years, the gender pay gap has basically refused to budge.

This means that women work for two months a year for free in comparison to their male colleagues. This is a shocking and unacceptable injustice in the 21st century Europe."

Furthermore, the Commission is publishing an expert report entitled "The enforcement of the principle of equal pay for equal work or work of equal value". The report provides a legal analysis with respect to the national legislative framework on judicial and non-judicial enforcement of the principle of equal pay in the EU Member States, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.

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