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EU Corporate Governance in XXI century: Shareholder Rights Directive II and Beyond

The European Commission is organising a stakeholder conference on corporate governance in Brussels on Monday 26 June 2017, 10:00-17:00.

EU, 2017

Related topics

Civil Justice

date:  26/06/2017

The revised Shareholder Rights Directive adopted this year is a milestone in the EU corporate governance framework. The new rules are expected to bring about more long-term focus in corporate governance and address a number of governance shortcomings. Institutional investors and asset managers will have to be more transparent about their engagement with investee companies and about their investment approach. Proxy advisors will have to inform about their working methods. Companies will have to disclose directors' pay and transactions with related parties and shareholders will have a 'say on pay'. Intermediaries, such as custody banks, will have to facilitate the interaction between companies and their shareholders.

The conference aims to bring together relevant stakeholders to take stock of the situation and to debate about the current and future challenges in corporate governance. The event will include presentations on existing rules, practices and experiences, and will be an opportunity to exchange ideas for future work at EU level in this area. Main questions for discussion are:

How could the use of modern technologies render corporate governance more effective?

In spite of the rapid development of new financial technologies, the flow of information and direct interaction between the management, the boards and the shareholders is often costly, ineffective or even not possible, particularly across borders. Is there a need for greater standardisation? How could digital tools enhance interaction between the management, the boards and the shareholders?

How could modern corporate governance help companies meet the challenges of the XXI century?

Long-term economic and societal challenges from climate change to demographic transition, inequalities, increased productivity and artificial intelligence are already reshaping our economy and have profound impact on corporate governance. Are companies and their boards fit for responding to tomorrow's challenges? Are changes needed to help ensure that sustainability becomes mainstream in the EU?

Link to the webstreaming

Conference programme



The event is open in particular to:

  • Stakeholders involved in or affected by corporate governance (companies, investors and investment community, employees, civil society, financial industry), including in particular representatives of European, international and national organisations of such stakeholders
  • Member State representatives
  • Representatives of EU institutions


Albert Borschette Conference Centre
Rue Froissart 36,
1040 Brussels

Public transport:
Metro station “Schuman” (lines 1 and 5)

Train station “Bruxelles-Schuman” or “Bruxelles-Luxembourg”

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