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Commissioner Jourová speaks at IDAHO Forum

[i]Today, Věra Jourová, Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality, participated in the opening ceremony of the [b]IDAHO Forum 2016[/b] in Copenhagen. The IDAHO Forum annually brings together representatives of the national authorities, EU institutions and civil societies to commemorate the International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia on May 17.[/i]

date:  10/05/2016

In her opening speech Commissioner Jourová made the following remarks: "On the eve of the International Day against Homophobia, I am committed to combatting discrimination which LGBTI people face every day. We know that discrimination in Europe is still all too common even in Member States where social acceptance is relatively high. We also know that opponents to LGBTI equality - and equality at large - are becoming more vocal.

But I want to focus on what is working and take heart from positive trends: According to the Eurobarometer published last year 70% of EU citizens believe that LGBTI people should have the same rights as heterosexual people. This is for me reason enough to carry on fighting for LGBTI equality! It was the reason for me to present a List of actions to advance LGBTI Equality end 2105. This list is the Commission's commitment to work concretely on increasing the social acceptance of all our citizens and on reducing the homophobia and discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation".

Commissioner Jourová expressed the Commission's commitment to continue working on the adoption of the Equal Treatment Directive. If adopted, this Directive would fully protect the rights of LGBTI people in the area of goods and services.

The opening of the IDAHO Forum was accompanied by the launch of the ILGA-Europe Rainbow Europe Package 2016, which gives an annual overview of national legal and social situation affecting LGBTI people in Europe.

More information:

IDAHO Forum 2016


List of actions by the Commission to advance LGBTI equality pdf 

Diversity Charters

ILGA-Europe Rainbow Europe Package

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