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8th EU Diversity Charters Annual Forum "Diversity and Leadership in a World in Flux”

The Estonian Presidency of the Council of the European Union and the European Commission in collaboration with the Estonian Diversity Charter are co-organising this year’s Annual Forum to promote diversity management at the workplace.

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date:  06/11/2017 - 07/11/2017

venue:  Sokos Hotel Viru, Viru väljak 4, 10111 Tallinn, Estonia

ContactEuropean Commission, DG Justice and...

This year’s Forum will focus on how the leadership can allow us to develop the diversity and inclusion policies and overcome the challenges in changing societies, politics and economics, with new business models, technological advances and new ways to work and communicate. The Annual Forum will bring together around 200 diversity experts, businesses and public sector representatives.

The Forum will be in English, with no interpretation.

Time: 6-7 November 2017

Venue: Sokos Hotel Viru, Viru väljak 4, 10111 Tallinn, Estonia

Registration: Participation in the Annual Forum is by invitation only

Agenda:pdf Draft agenda 8th EU Diversity Charters (511 Kb)


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