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Review of EU consumer and marketing policy on the agenda of the European Consumer summit 2016

European and national policy makers, researchers and industry experts are meeting today (17 October) at the 2016 European Consumer Summit in Brussels to discuss how EU consumer and marketing legislation can be streamlined.

date:  17/10/2016

Vĕra Jourová, Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality, will speak at the event and give her priorities in the area of consumer policy: "My objective is to create a kind of EU consumer code that ensures that the legal provisions are consistent, modern and also future-proof. Our goal is not to scrap or reduce current consumer rights. On the contrary, my overall aim is that consumers know the rules and make better use of them, businesses better comply with the rules, and authorities in charge of ensuring compliance enforce the rules better." This year's Summit will focus on the revision of EU's consumer and marketing law as part of the ongoing Regulatory Fitness and Performance Programme (REFIT).

Commissioner Jourová will speak about consumer information requirements, fairness of commercial practices and terms as well as better enforcement of EU consumer law. Participants will discuss the topics in further detail in several workshops and case studies. A high-level panel with representatives from national governments, the European Parliament and the European Commission will round up the discussions of the day. A live web stream and an agenda are available online.

We also publish today results of the sweep on the quality of the information that is available to consumers online before their purchase. Out of 697 swept websites, we found irregularities in 436 cases. 353 out of 436 websites have been corrected.

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