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Six new TEDAM working papers

The TEDAM team published six working papers in the first half of 2023

date:  13/07/2023

  • García Rodríguez, Lazarou, Mandras, Salotti, Thissen, and Kalvelagen present the newly estimated 2017 regional Social Accounting Matrices for the EU regions - Working Paper no. JRC132883.
  • Cappellano, Molica, and Makkonen reflect on missions and cohesion policy - Working Paper no. 133366.
  • Marques Santos and Coad propose some suggestions for monitoring and evaluating transformative innovation policy - Working Paper no. JRC132492.
  • Marques Santos, Conte, Ojala, Meyer, Kostarakos, Santoleri, Shevtsova, De Quinto Notario, Molica, and Lalanne illustrate the features of the Territorial Economic Data viewer (TEDv) - Working Paper no. JRC133404.
  • Kostarakos studies the recent productivity developments in the EU regions - Working Paper no. JRC133434.
  • Arvanitopoulos and Lazarou present a study of the determinants and dynamics of regional convergence in the EU over the period 1990-2018 - Working Paper no. JRC133733.