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Item Overview

Territories in ACTION! TV news from the Joint Research Centre

Join us Tuesday 9 April at 11:00 am to see how territories are implementing their place-based strategies. We will talk about innovation in a streamed live TV show with Commissioners, the Committee of the Regions and MEPs in Brussels. Some time ago, we embarked in a pilot project to accompany European territories towards innovation strategies for place-based transformations. With the collaboration of the Committee of the Regions, more than 70 territories took ownership of the initiative and worked together to co-create and test new ways forward. Together, we have outlined a framework, the ACTIONbook, to root efforts in the unique characteristics and potential of each region and territory, and steer them towards EU priorities. Learn about the territories and the activities that are transforming Europe through innovation.

Partnerships for Regional Innovation: 63 regions, seven cities and four Member States selected for Pilot Action

On May 17th, the Commission announced the 63 regions, seven cities and four Member States selected in the pilot project for Partnerships for Regional Innovation, an initiative developed together with the Committee of the Regions. Participants in the pilot action are open to share good practices and to co-develop and test tools to mobilise multiple sources of funding and policies, and connect regional and national programmes to EU initiatives for the green and digital transformations. These Partnerships will feed into the new Innovation Agenda for Europe, where innovation drives the transformation for sustainability, connecting local strategies with EU-level initiatives.

HEI Innovation capacity and knowledge triangle integration: the role of the EIT’s HEI Initiative

Higher education institutions (HEIs) are increasingly expected to contribute to regional development and transformative innovation and a diversity of EU funding initiatives look to translate this strategic agenda across diverse institutional and territorial contexts. This report explores the varying role of and approach to the EIT’s HEI Initiative in strengthening HEI’s contribution to and participation in territorial transformation, and aligning the different university missions to connect HEI entrepreneurship and innovation to the territory.

Expressions of interest: European Social Economy Regions 2019

The European Commission's Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs is launching the second edition of European Social Economy Regions with the aim of building effective networks of social economy and social innovation stakeholders. Deadline for application is on 31st of January 2019.

Athens, Winner of the 2018 European Innovation Capital

The Greek capital used innovation to overcome the economic and social crisis of its past years. The European Commission recognised Athens' extraordinary efforts and awarded it with the title of the European Capital of Innovation 2018 and a €1 million prize. The runner-up cities - Aarhus (Denmark), Hamburg (Germany), Leuven (Belgium), Toulouse (France), and Umeå (Sweden) - received €100,000 each. The prize money will be used to scale up local innovation activities and work together with other cities.

EIT Call for KICs Proposals

The EIT invites applicants to submit their proposals with a view to forming a Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC) in the domains of Urban Mobility and Added-value Manufacturing. The deadline for the submission of proposals is the 12th July 2018.

EU tourism at a glance

With summer holidays just around the corner, explore a wealth of data and insights on the EU Tourism Dashboard! Discover how destinations in Europe are progressing towards a greener, digital and more resilient, sustainable tourism.

European Week of Regions and Cities: registrations are open

With 10 insightful sessions on topics ranging from entrepreneurship in rural areas to Artificial Intelligence, demographic change and Regional Innovation Valleys, the Joint Research Centre is bringing the science behind territorial policies to this year’s European Week of Regions and Cities. Register now!

Open call: territorial peer reviews in non-urban areas

This year’s territorial peer review on demographic change will take place on 24 and 25 September in Heraklion, Crete (Greece). Applications for peers, who will be providing feedback on development strategies under review, are open until 25 June, 18:00 CEST.

Smart Specialisation collaboration networks in the EU enlargement region

This special session at the Regional Studies Association (RSA) Central and Eastern Europe Conference will explore S3 collaboration in the EU enlargement region, place-based potentials, societal challenges, green/digital transition, and smart specialisation's role in sustainability and regional ICT value chains.