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The TEDAM activities of the first half of 2023

This Newsletter summarises the recent activities of the Territorial Data Analysis and Modelling team

date:  13/07/2023

See alsoThe TEDAM team

This is a summary of the TEDAM activities related to regional economic monitoring of the EU funds (REMO) and to the use of the RHOMOLO model in the first half of 2023.

On the policy side, RHOMOLO results were included in an ex-ante analysis of the economic impact of the 2021-2027 cohesion policy funds published by DG REGIO in May, and also in the 2023 report on the Employment and Social Developments in Europe published by DG EMPL in July.

A new release of the Territorial Economic Data viewer (TEDv) was launched, together with a related technical report, a user guide, and a data download option. The new features of the viewer were presented at the Conference on New Techniques and Technologies for Statistics (NTTS2023) and the International Conference on Advanced Research Methods and Analytics (CARMA 2023).

This Newsletter also lists a number of publications, including a Journal of Regional Science article with a modelling analysis of the impact of transport infrastructure investment, and an Economic Modelling article on the digitalisation impact on employment in the EU Member States.

Finally, the TEDAM team will participate in two international conferences sponsored by the JRC in August and September 2023, and in the European Week of Regions and Cities in October 2023.