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Michael Christl and Vanda Almeida

Michael Christl and Vanda Almeida recently left the EUROMOD team.

Michael's work focused on the area of microsimulation, where he worked on model maintenance and development in the area of taxation policy using the EUROMOD microsimulation model. He was also the EUROMOD developer for Austria, Hungary and Netherlands. He was also part of the team in charge of generating the EUROMOD public release and of the team that coordinates the B2 Seminars.

Vanda worked on the assessment of the impact of fiscal reforms affecting tax revenues and benefit expenses, inequality, and disposable income in the European Union member states. Furthermore, she contributed to the improvement of the link between the European Commission's microsimulation and DSGE models, EUROMOD and QUEST respectively. She was also the EUROMOD developer for France, Portugal and, in previous years, for Germany.

The EUROMOD team wishes them the best in their next projects!

date:  17/05/2022