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The macroeconomic impact of Horizon Europe

The RHOMOLO model has been used for the Impact Assessment of Horizon Europe SWD(2018) 307 final published in June.

date:  30/04/2019

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See alsoThe European Commission impact assessmen...

In December 2018, the Technical Report written by Martin Christensen of the Regional Economic Modelling (REMO) team of JRC Seville and containing all the details of the impact assessment of Horizon Europe was published and can be found here. More recently, a non-technical Policy Insight summing up the main findings of the analysis has also been published and can be found here

The analysis concludes that Horizon Europe is likely to contribute positively to the EU GDP and employment. Although the magnitude of the effects differs depending on the exact design of the policy, results suggest that the EU GDP may be higher by up to 0.5% in 2030 (with almost 200,000 jobs created) thanks to the Horizon Europe programme.


The Technical Report
(3.73 MB - PDF)
The Policy Insight
(450 KB - PDF)