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The RHOMOLO-IO contribution to a study on the coal sector

RHOMOLO-IO (the Inter-Regional Input-Output version of RHOMOLO) has been used in a study on the coal sector in Europe.

date:  19/11/2018

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See alsoThe Science for Policy Report on EU coal...

The RHOMOLO modelling framework is a flexible tool and can be adapted to the specific needs of researchers and policy makers. One example is the RHOMOLO-IO model, which is an alternative and simpler version of RHOMOLO which is equivalent to a linear Inter-Regional Input-Output model. Such model is also parametrized over the 267 NUTS2 regions of the EU, but can in principle be more detailed at the sectorial level.

This model has been used by Giovanni Mandras to contribute to a Science for Policy Report on EU coal regions in order to quantify the direct and indirect jobs related to coal activites in the EU.

According to the RHOMOLO-IO analysis, in the EU there are 230 thousand jobs directly related to coal activities and 215 thousand jobs indirectly related to that.