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RHOMOLO V3: A spatial modelling framework

In 2018 a Technical Report with the mathematical description of the latest version of RHOMOLO was published.

date:  19/11/2018

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See alsoThe RHOMOLO V3 Technical Report

As any large general equilibrium model, RHOMOLO constantly evolves over time. The mathematical description of the model published in 2018 is a snapshot of RHOMOLO V3 and represents the most up-to-date reference for the model currently available.  

The aim is to offer the reader and the potential users of the model an intuition of the transmission channels featured in RHOMOLO. In addition to the equations of the model and a short description of the dataset used for the calibration of the base year, the Technical Report also contains a simulation exercise as an illustrative example of the potential analysis that can be carried out with the model.


Rhomolo V3
(2.44 MB - PDF)