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The RHOMOLO impact assessment of the third pillar of the Investment Plan for Europe

RHOMOLO has been used for the impact assessment of the third pillar of the Investment Plan for Europe in the areas of the Capital Markets Union, the Single Market Strategy, the Digital Single Market, and the Energy Union.

date:  19/11/2018

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See alsoThe Technical Report on the third pillar

The RHOMOLO analysis (reported in this Technical Report) focussed on the macroeconomic impact of the legislative proposals contained in the third pillar of the Investment Plan for Europe. Such proposals are related to the Capital Markets Union, the Single Market Strategy, the Digital Single Market, and the Energy Union.

According to the analysis, the likely economic effects of the removal of cross-country barriers to investment related to these four initiatives are positive and quantified to be on average equal to an increase of 1.5% of EU GDP by 2030. Such an impact would also entail the creation of about 1 million jobs.

The results of this analysis are mentioned in the COM(2018) 771 final European Commission communication which came out in November 22nd.

A short non-technical Policy Insight has been recently published and can be found here.


The European Commission commun...
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