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The VII JRC Regional Modelling Workshop

The VII Regional Modelling workshop will take place in Barcelona (Spain) in October 2019 and will be a two-days event co-organised by the Regional Economic Modelling (REMO) team of JRC Seville and the Regional Quantitative Analysis group (AQR) of the University of Barcelona (UB).

date:  24/10/2019 - 25/10/2019

venue:  Barcelona

Organiser:  JRC (Regional Economic Modelling Team) & AQR-UB

In 2018 the VI Regional Modelling workshop brought together researchers from all over Europe to discuss themes related to modelling and regional and territorial analysis.

In 2019 the REMO group of JRC Seville is joining foces with the AQR group of the University of Barcelona to organise jointly a Workshop on Modelling and assessing the impact of policies with a territorial impact.

It will be an occasion to present research on regional economics and territorial impact assessment carried out with both applied economics techniques and economic modelling.