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Drought in South America: how is the lack of water affecting ecosystems and the economy?

The current situation in the region is dire, as low rainfall, above-average temperatures, and persistent heatwaves have triggered one of the most severe droughts in decades. The repercussions of this drought are particularly felt in Uruguay, northern Argentina, and southern Brazil, where the cascading effects of water scarcity are taking a significant toll. Other reports on the drought in Europe or the Maghreb region can be found in the Global and European Drought Observatory websites.

Francesco Dottori

Welcome back, Francesco – this time as a visiting scientist! Francesco was a CA at the floods team and he is returning for some months.

Sara Cornejo Bueno

I graduated in Physics and I hold a Master's degree in meteorology and geophysics, both from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Currently, I work as a researcher at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, in the Signal Theory and Communication area and research interests range from statistical analysis of geographic, climatic and meteorological data to complex networks with climatic applications, artificial intelligence, and climate networks for energy efficiency, among others. I am currently working on the improvement in the construction of complex networks and their application to studies within the climate system, for the study of teleconnections and detection of signs of climate change. I teach at the Higher Technical School of Telecommunications Engineering, at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid.

Giuliana URSO

Giuliana Urso has worked for the past 12 years at the JRC (E1 and E6) and at the International Organization for Migration (UN). In the framework of regional research projects, Giuliana has collaborated with other international organizations (such as UNHCR, WHO, Council of Europe, OECD…) and leading research centres (such as MPI, EUI, Migration Policy Group, EPLC…).
She is passionate about migration and knowledge valorisation and profoundly believes in the value of empowering people and the importance of evidence-based policy actions. She is Sicilian and an out-of-the-box thinker.
Giuliana holds a DPhil degree in Political Theory (LUISS University, Rome) and has a background on International Relations and a specialization in Geopolitics.


Hi everyone. My name is Nadia, I am from Luxembourg and I am the new trainee of the RDH team. I am currently following an Advanced Master programme in Economics at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in Belgium and I also hold a Master’s degree in Business Economics from Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management. I have additionally been working as a risk underwriter at a company called Credendo for the past 3 years. Some of my main hobbies are traveling and watching movies.

DURA Adelaide

Hi there, I’m Adelaide. I’m Italian and will be the new copywriter for Copernicus EMS, reinforcing the comm team with André and Fabio. Actually I am not a real newcomer! I had already worked at the JRC Ispra in 2015 as a trainee in the Communication Unit at the JRC visitors' centre. And then I had been responsible for the scientific communication activities in F.3 unit (better known as ECVAM…yes, everyone at the JRC loves acronyms!!!) for six years. You might think that I studied communication or similar. Well, not exactly. I am a scientist with a strong passion for communicating scientific topics. I graduated in Environmental Science in Italy and then received a PhD in Chemistry in Ireland.


Bonjour à tous! My name is Adrien and I am a new trainee from France working with the INFORM team. I graduated with a Master in International Relations from Université Paris 1 – Panthéon Sorbonne. For the past two years I have been with the OECD in the Public Governance Directorate working on risk governance policies. A few non work-related descriptors about me: Sunday baker, balcony gardener and board game enthusiast, and currently, Italian beginner!


Hi everyone! I’m Malwina I’m from Poland and since 9 years I live in Italy. I graduated in law from the University of Wroclaw and I studied International Relations at the University of Milan. I have 12 years of professional experience working in administration in international environments. My role at JRC is financial and administrative assistant and I will join Regina, Kinga and Emilia. My hobbies are hiking, yoga and I relax while crocheting.

Johannes Uhl

Johannes Uhl is a Geographic Information Scientist with interest in human settlement modelling, long-term urbanization and the built environment. Trained in Topographic Engineering and Geomatics, he has working experience as Geospatial Analyst and Data Engineer in academia and in the private sector. Prior to joining the JRC, he was a Research Associate at the University of Colorado Boulder (USA), from where he also obtained his PhD degree in Geographic Information Science.

Alessandra Carioli

Alessandra Carioli is a demographer specialized in spatial projections, analysis and forecasting. She has a degree in Economics from Bocconi University and completed her PhD at the University of Groningen. She has worked at the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Institute for Demography, the Autonomous University of Barcelona, and the University of Southampton.

Damyan Barantiev

Dr. Damyan Barantiev is a motivated scientist with a pronounced interest in scientific research during his professional career in the field of coastal meteorology and climatology. His professional growth is based on 17 years of work experience in the structure of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 13 of which were spent at the Bulgarian national meteorological service. He has recognized scientific potential and experience within different fields covering the topics of atmospheric physics, mathematical sciences and informatics, modern ground-based remote sensing measurements, as well as in the field of atmospheric dynamics modeling

The DRMKC is hiring a Data scientist

We are recruiting a Data scientist for the DRMKC support to the Science pillars of the Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network. S/he will contribute to the assessment of the data and science landscape for different phases of disaster risk management. Submit your application before the 31st of January! Stay tuned as more opportunities for joining the DRMKC will be published soon.

Code: 2023-IPR-E1-FGIV-022308 - ISPRA FG IV - Programme Officer - Data scientist for the DRMKC support to the Science pillars of the Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network

Drought in South America: new report on La Plata Basin

This report from the Global Drought Observatory operated by the JRC shows that the Parana-La Plata Basin in South America is going through the worst drought since 1944. This region usually enjoys a rainy season from October to April. However, below-average records of rainfall for the past two hydrological years triggered dry conditions across south-eastern Brazil, northern Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay. A weak South American Monsoon exacerbated the situation further.