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An interactive story map on Vulnerability to Disasters in Europe

A cross-scale indicator for measuring hazard-independent vulnerability in Europe, based on four dimensions (social, economic, political and environmental), to capture the systemic susceptibility of communities to disasters at different administrative levels over time.

Maps that support disaster risk management worldwide

Ready-to-print maps and geospatial data within hours or days to support emergency management activities in the immediate aftermath of a disaster or on-demand provision of geospatial information for prevention, preparedness, disaster risk reduction or recovery phases.

Science for “Early warning and early action”

This year the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction (IDDRR) campaign will focus on “Early warning and early action for all” and, in particular, on Target G of the Sendai Framework: “Substantially increase the availability of and access to multi-hazard early warning systems and disaster risk information and assessments to people by 2030”. This special issue of the FLASH NEWS from the Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre shares an overview of the recent research and activities of the European Commission that directly or indirectly contribute to the availability of risk information/assessments and to the delivery of early warnings for everyone.

Exploring improvements for landslide risk and flood monitoring products in Copernicus Emergency Management Service (CEMS) mapping: the validation studies for cyclones in Honduras

CEMS mapping delivered several products for cyclones Eta and Iota in Honduras. Two validation studies explored and proposed improvements regarding landslide risk assessment and temporal monitoring of floods. The focus is on the use of state-of-the-art models, their data input requirements and the output extension and enhancement.

Update on the forest fire team’s activities in Latin America

The European Union (EU) and Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) have a longstanding relationship based on common values and established on a legal framework with most of the 33 countries through association and trade agreements, and political and cooperation dialogues.