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Giuliana URSO

Giuliana Urso has worked for the past 12 years at the JRC (E1 and E6) and at the International Organization for Migration (UN). In the framework of regional research projects, Giuliana has collaborated with other international organizations (such as UNHCR, WHO, Council of Europe, OECD…) and leading research centres (such as MPI, EUI, Migration Policy Group, EPLC…).
She is passionate about migration and knowledge valorisation and profoundly believes in the value of empowering people and the importance of evidence-based policy actions. She is Sicilian and an out-of-the-box thinker.
Giuliana holds a DPhil degree in Political Theory (LUISS University, Rome) and has a background on International Relations and a specialization in Geopolitics.

date:  05/05/2023