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Congrès Adullact

The 7th ADULLACT Congress will take place on 14 and 15 June 2018 in Montpellier. As in previous years, Adullact aims to offer participants relevant presentations and discussion on reusable ICT solutions - free software - in the public sector. The Congress is a place of exchange, meetings and innovation for all communities and public institutions that have chosen the path of freedom.

SEMIC Conference 2018

The 8th edition of SEMIC, the annual semantic interoperability conference, will be held in Sofia, Bulgaria on 14 June 2018. The event, organised by the ISA2 Programme of the European Commission in collaboration with the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU, will bring together policy makers, IT practitioners and researchers interested in topics related to semantic interoperability for public administration.

Tallinn e-Governance Conference 2018

Leading e-Governance experts, decision makers, donors and civil society groups will meet in Tallinn, Estonia to discuss challenges governments are facing when trying to meet the expectations of digital citizens.

Civil Society Days 2018

This year's Civil Society Days will take place right after the plenary session at which the European Economic and Social Committee celebrates its 60th anniversary.


ForumPA 2018, one of Italy's main eGovernment conferences, will take place from 22 to 24 May, in the Roma Convention Center "La Nuvola". Keynote speech will be given by Stephen Goldsmith - Daniel Professor of the Practice of Government and the Director of the Innovations in the American Government Program at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government.

18th European Conference on Digital Government

The European Conference on e-Government has been running now for 18 years. This event has been held in Italy, Ireland, Belgium, UK, Slovenia, to mention a few of the countries who have hosted it. This year we are refocusing the conference to look more broadly at the area of Digital Government. The conference is generally attended by participants from more than 40 countries and attracts an interesting combination of academic scholars, public sector workers and individuals who are engaged in various aspects of Digital Government research and application.

AI for Good 2018 Global Summit

The 2nd edition of the AI for Good Global Summit will be organized by ITU in Geneva on 15-17 May 2018, in partnership with XPRIZE Foundation, ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) and sister UN agencies. The aim of the 2018 summit is to identify practical applications of AI with the potential to accelerate progress towards the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. The summit will continue to formulate strategies to ensure trusted, safe and inclusive development of AI technologies and equitable access to their benefits.

Joint Public Digital Architecture Conference

The main focus of the FDA2018 is digital architecture, data sharing and the challenges that rapid development of digitization brings to public services. The conference organised by Denmark's Agency for Digitisation (Digitaliseringsstyrelsen (DIGST).

Congreso nacional de innovación y servicios públicos

7th edition of Spain's National Congress of Innovation and Public Services We are facing the definitive transformation to an Open, Digital, Intelligent and Social Administration. Prepare for the new edition that will take place at the headquarters of the FNMT-RCM. The keys to change and the best experiences will be present in CNIS2018. You can now start making the winning projects of the 8th CNIS Awards. Stay tuned for the call.

Open Belgium 2018

The Open Belgium conference is a community driven conference about Open Knowledge and Open Data, hosted in Brussels this year. It’s packed with interesting talks and discussions. We debate about the openness of Belgium, from a local point of view to a European perspective. We provide national and international keynotes, cases and workshops, bringing you up to speed on new evolutions and best practices. All this rounds up in a network moment amongst attendees and speakers. The Open Belgium conference started out as a part of the three day conference DataDays in Ghent. Today, this is a yearly conference alternating between the three Belgian regions: Flanders, Wallonia and Brussels, keeping the voice of the open community in Belgium alive.

Interop Summit 2018

INTEROP SUMMIT 2018 is all about interoperability in the context of e-government. The event aims to promote and disseminate best practices on interoperability, based upon the building blocks of the European Commission's ISA² programme. It is organised by InformatieVlaanderen that drives the transition to a digital Flemish government.

Digital Czech Republic 2018

The Institute for Politics and Society and European Liberal Forum, alongside its partners, are organising the third annual international conference Digital Czech Republic, with a sub-heading borrowed from Ronald Reagan's 1980 election-winning question “Are you better off than you were four years ago?”. This year, the Digital Czech Republic panel discussions will be questioning what the government can do, with the aid of digital technologies, to make citizens feel better off at the end of the forthcoming electoral term.

ELISE Webinar

The webinar on 14 February presents the main findings and recommendations from a study entitled 'Assessment of economic opportunities and barriers related to geospatial data in the context of the Digital Single Market'. Topics include: - Context in which geospatial data is used; - Value created from the use of geospatial for product and service creation; - The main barriers to the use of geospatial data; - Future opportunities associated with the wider re-use of geospatial data.