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ISA² mid-term conference

This conference gathered professionals from public administrations in EU countries and EU institutions, as well as from the private sector. Speakers presented the current state of the implementation of the new European Interoperability Framework (EIF), shared experiences and good practices, and discussed the future of ISA² in the upcoming years. It was an interesting and successful event.

LibreCon 2018

LibreCon, Spain's "largest conference on Business and Open Source focusing on the challenges and emerging opportunities of the Industry 4.0 and the digitalisation of the Primary Sector", will take place on 21 and 22 November in Bilbao (Spain) in the Palacio Euskalduna.

LibreCon 2018

LibreCon, Spain's "largest conference on Business and Open Source focusing on the challenges and emerging opportunities of the Industry 4.0 and the digitalisation of the Primary Sector", will take place on 21 and 22 November in Bilbao (Spain) in the Palacio Euskalduna.

LibreCon 2018

LibreCon, Spain's "largest conference on Business and Open Source focusing on the challenges and emerging opportunities of the Industry 4.0 and the digitalisation of the Primary Sector", will take place on 21 and 22 November in Bilbao (Spain) in the Palacio Euskalduna.

Other events

Have a look at more interesting events available on Joinup

SFSCon 2018

The South Tyrol Free Software Conference, SFScon, is one of Europe’s most established annual conferences on Free Software. SFScon promotes the use of Free Software in IT infrastructures as a tool to achieve greater innovation and competitiveness in the region. Here decision-makers and developers meet, learn and get inspired.

SFSCon 2018

The South Tyrol Free Software Conference, SFScon, is one of Europe’s most established annual conferences on Free Software. SFScon promotes the use of Free Software in IT infrastructures as a tool to achieve greater innovation and competitiveness in the region. Here decision-makers and developers meet, learn and get inspired.

SFSCon 2018

The South Tyrol Free Software Conference, SFScon, is one of Europe’s most established annual conferences on Free Software. SFScon promotes the use of Free Software in IT infrastructures as a tool to achieve greater innovation and competitiveness in the region. Here decision-makers and developers meet, learn and get inspired.

OpenFest 2018

OpenFest is the biggest Bulgarian conference dedicated to free culture, free knowledge sharing, free and open source software. It is the most anticipated annual gathering of fans, creators and supporters of open source and free art in Bulgaria.

OpenFest 2018

OpenFest is the biggest Bulgarian conference dedicated to free culture, free knowledge sharing, free and open source software. It is the most anticipated annual gathering of fans, creators and supporters of open source and free art in Bulgaria.

18th European Conference on Digital Government

The European Conference on e-Government has been running now for 18 years. This event has been held in Italy, Ireland, Belgium, UK, Slovenia, to mention a few of the countries who have hosted it. This year we are refocusing the conference to look more broadly at the area of Digital Government. The conference is generally attended by participants from more than 40 countries.

Open Source Lisbon 2018

Open Source Lisbon is the biggest Open Source event in Portugal. The 16th edition will grant business managers and tech enthusiasts one day dedicated to sharing information about how open source technologies can act as a driver of innovation, in a world of emerging technological disruption.

The Once - Only Principle for Europe Conference

The event will host speakers from European Commission, experts from TOOP and SCOOP4C projects as well as a range of stakeholders, including representatives of the countries, which are already working on the initial implementation of the OOP.

EGOV-CeDEM-ePart 2018

The EGOV-CeDEM-ePart 2018 represents the merge of the IFIP EGOV-ePart with the CeDEM conference and is the annual conference of the IFIP Working Group 8.5. The conference will be held 3-5 September 2018 at the Danube University Krems in Austria.

EGOV-CeDEM-ePart 2018

The EGOV-CeDEM-ePart 2018 represents the merge of the IFIP EGOV-ePart with the CeDEM conference and is the annual conference of the IFIP Working Group 8.5.

Catalogue of Services Workshop

On 15 June 2018, the ISA² Programme of the European Commission will host a workshop on Catalogues of public services back-to-back to the SEMIC Conference in Sofia, Bulgaria.