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Transport and Mobility Futures in Urban Africa

This book provides a collection of insightful conceptual and empirical works that situate transport and mobility challenges in the unique context of individual countries and cities while highlighting commonalities across the African continent. Written from an interdisciplinary perspective, the book covers important themes in transport and mobility including the links between urbanization, urban structure, and accessibility; transport equity and poverty, non-motorized transport, public transport, and the challenges and opportunities of new and emerging transport technologies, and ICT-mediated mobility solutions.

date:  06/12/2022

Keywords: infrastructures, transport, cities, urban development, smart mobility, transport equity, accessibility, public transport, Africa

Publisher: Springer
Editors: Ransford A. Acheampong, Karen Lucas, Michael Poku-Boansi, Chinebuli Uzondu
ISBN-13: 9783031173271
Publication date: Nov 2022
Language: EN

The ebook will be available via Find-eR, the common catalogue of the libraries of the EC. How to borrow a book.