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Indonesia at the Intersection of Human Rights and International Investment

In the changing dynamics of today’s world, globalisation and sovereignty remain centrally important. Simultaneously, international commerce in the form of global value chains is playing an increasingly significant role in linking and mediating the overlap of globalisation and sovereignty. Nation-state governments use law to manage this overlap. By examining the intersection of laws regarding foreign investment and human rights, it becomes possible to gain insight into the constraints that national governments face in regard to protecting local interests while catering to the demands of global commerce. Human rights protections, after all, benefit local welfare but inhibit investment because they impose costs on companies.

date:  12/11/2022

Keywords:  human rights, law, sovereignty, global value chains, Indonesia
Publisher: Asia–Pacific Journal on Human Rights and the Law, vol. 23, pp. 125–155
Publication date:  Jun 2022
Language: EN

Scientific article

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