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Science, Technology and Innovation Diplomacy in Developing Countries: Perceptions and Practice

This book provides a developing country perspective on the internationalization of science and the role of Science, Technology and Innovation Diplomacy (STID) in leveraging scientific cooperation for sustainable development. In articles by individuals from government departments and academic & research institutions in nine developing countries, it provides a conceptual understanding of the subject and reveals the prevailing perceptions on its praxis/practices. The articles highlight the significance of international cooperation at bilateral, regional and multilateral levels and the need for strengthening the role of STID in foreign policy and strategies of governments.

date:  11/11/2022

Keywords: science, technology, innovation, developing countries, diplomacy 

Publisher: Springer
Editors: Venugopalan Ittekkot, Jasmeet Kaur
ISBN-13: 9789811968013
Publication date: Nov 2022
Language: EN

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