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New: e-training on circular economy

The INTPA Academy offers a new series of e-learning modules to strengthen DG INTPA and EU Delegation staff understanding of circularity and of policy measures that accelerate the transition towards a circular economy.

date:  31/05/2022

The new e-learning package on the circular economy has a dual objective: to raise awareness of the relevance and urgency for a change to a more sustainable economic model, and to communicate strategies and policies guiding circular economy action. The training modules provide concrete and practical guidance on implementing circular policies as envisioned in the external dimension of the EU Circular Economy Action Plan. They support the design and formulation of circular economy-related interventions in a development cooperation context. The modules build capacities related to the identification of entry points for circularity in the design of interventions. They also facilitate reflections around these entry points, within a set of globally relevant trends and challenges and within a variety of economic sectors.

Divided into five sections, the e-course explains what a circular economy transition entails, makes the link with related policy developments, and illustrates practical cases from the field, including EU-funded projects. The course highlights the external dimension of the Circular Economy Action Plan and demonstrates practical approaches from EU-funded projects. The e-learning package also includes guidance on results monitoring. A specific module provides information and guidance on monitoring and evaluation by outlining the steps of the Circular Economy Results Chain and related indicators. Videos, graphics and interactive tools guide the learner through the modules. Further reading sources are suggested in all modules, reflecting the specific issues covered.

The modules are designed with a particular focus on European Commission services, but in a comprehensive way that addresses the learning needs of a broader audience interested in the transition towards a circular economy. The course addresses the subject matter from both policy and technical perspectives. Prior knowledge on development policy, macroeconomics and public finance may benefit the learners. The online modules are available via the INTPA academy (registration required).