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EU Green Week 2021: zero pollution in the spotlight

The 2021 edition of EU Green Week, the largest annual environmental policy event in Europe, ran from 31 May to 4 June 2021 with a successful mix of virtual and live meetings.

date:  02/07/2021

 EU Green Week 2021 focused on the EU’s zero pollution vision for 2050: a world in which air, water and soil pollution are reduced to levels no longer considered harmful to health and natural ecosystems, respecting the planet’s boundaries and creating a toxic-free environment. More than 3 500 people followed the virtual Brussels conference, while 570 face-to-face partner events saw around 80 000 participants in 34 countries.

The vision can be achieved through targets for 2030 – to complement UN sustainable development goals – in EU-related laws (air, water, marine and other), including, for example to reduce plastic litter at sea by 50 %, the release of microplastics by 30 %; significantly reduce waste generation and cut residual municipal waste by 50 %; and reduce the health impacts of air pollution by 55 %.

DG INTPA led two sessions on day 2: one on ‘The Special Programme: Catalysing progress towards the sound management of chemicals and waste’ and a second on ‘Stemming the plastic tide: global partnerships to reduce pollution’, which were attended by 218 and 199 participants respectively. Carla Montesi, Director of DG INTPA’s Directorate F on the Green Deal & Digital Agenda, contributed to both sessions, highlighting that protecting health and the environment goes hand in hand with encouraging innovation, through promoting zero pollution recycling, waste management, decontamination and remediation, etc.

The sessions promoted an integrated approach for zero pollution policies. The Zero Pollution Action Plan is connected to many EU policies and aims to connect the dots so that zero pollution can be mainstreamed, influencing sectors such as energy, mining, production and consumption, agriculture and forestry, and transport.

The plan’s thematic priorities include improving health and wellbeing; achieving zero pollution from production and consumption; and living within our planetary boundaries. Actions will be taken to track progress, anticipate trends and mainstreaming, ensure stricter implementation and enforcement, and boost change across society.

Its milestones include a zero pollution monitoring and outlook in 2022, with a second in 2024. A Zero Pollution Stakeholder Platform has also been set up to launch global initiatives, e.g. on lead battery recycling.

For a deeper dive, all sessions of EU Green Week 2021 are available on the dedicated EU Green Week website.