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Facts and figures on biodiversity

Brush up your knowledge about biodiversity. Our planet and the economy depend on it: at least 40 % of the world’s economy and 80 % of the needs of the poor are derived from biological resources. This makes biodiversity loss the most critical global environmental threat alongside climate change — and the two are inextricably linked.

date:  03/07/2020

Did you know that…



…unhealthy environments, including air, water and soil pollution are the cause of nearly 1/4 of total deaths;


…or that the global population of wild species has fallen by 60 % over the last 40 years?


The direct drivers of change in biodiversity with the largest global impact have been:

Changes in land and sea use

  • Deforestation, land and forest degradation and land-use change are the second leading contributor to emissions of greenhouse gases worldwide: nearly a quarter of global emissions. They also directly contribute to the emergence of zoonotic diseases like COVID-19.
  • Approximately 80 % of global deforestation is caused by the expansion of land used for agriculture.

Direct exploitation of organisms

  • 85 % of the world’s fisheries are fully exploited or overexploited, depleted or recovering from depletion.

Climate change

  • Biodiversity loss and the climate crisis are interconnected and are exacerbating each other.
  • The distribution of 47 % of terrestrial flightless mammals and 23 % of threatened birds have already been negatively impacted by climate change.



  • Globally, 5 to 13 million tonnes of plastic end up in the oceans every year, representing over 80 % of marine litter.
  • The EU accounts for 10 % of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide.
    • We therefore need to work together with the rest of the world, in particular since 90 % of global biodiversity is outside the EU.

Invasive species

  • The number of alien invasive species has increased by 70 % since 1970.[1]


But did you know that…

  • one of the most powerful engines for CO2 absorption is forests? Trees and forests absorb up to 30 % of CO2 in the air.
  • Nature-based solutions (NBS) can provide over 30 % of the climate mitigation action needed by 2030 to prevent global temperature rise above 1.5 ̊C, above which the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warns that we would see damaging and irreversible impacts to all life on earth.

Some good news:

  • Of the 25 % of the EU budget dedicated to climate action, a significant proportion will be invested in biodiversity and nature-based solutions. 
  • Nature restoration means direct and indirect local jobs that bring life back to local communities.

EU as a leader:

  • The EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 plans to protect 30 % of EU land and sea, and to ensure a fair and equitable share of the benefits from the use of genetic resources linked to biodiversity, putting the EU in a leading position in the world.

[1] across 21 countries with detailed records


Facts and figures on biodivers...
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