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Europe’s Green Deal beyond its borders

Colleagues in EU Delegations around the world share how they plan to implement Green Deal measures in the countries where they work.

European Union

date:  03/07/2020

The 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement call for a fundamental rethinking of development models. The European Union is committed to tackling climate and environment-related challenges and the European Green Deal embodies its response.

In February 2020, the European Commission organised DEVCO Environment and Climate Week 2020, providing the opportunity for staff from EU Delegations, headquarters and specialist organisations to exchange views on the latest environmental and policy developments and to explore how to strengthen the environmental and climate dimension of EU cooperation. Implementing the European Green Deal was the hot topic of the week. It provides a framework for the preparation of future EU international cooperation programmes and lays the foundation for future efforts to address climate change, biodiversity loss and the transition towards a climate-neutral and green economy in an integrated manner.

As the EU gears up to support partner countries through external assistance in the next programming period (2021-2027), it will actively promote effective and ambitious climate and environment action and integration. The video clips provide examples of what our colleagues in different EU Delegations are already doing and how they see the Green Deal in future EU country support.

For further methodological support on environment, climate change and green economy, contact:

DEVCO Environment and Climate Change Mainstreaming Facility

T: +32 229 622 83
