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New facilities offer support on water issues and the green economy

The beginning of 2020 saw the launch of the second phase of the SWITCH to Green Facility as well as a new facility to support cooperation in the Water sector, both with a 3-year mandate.

date:  23/03/2020

The facilities are intended to assist DG DEVCO in its effort to support the green and circular economy transition, on the one hand, and on the other, to enhance progress towards universal access to water and sanitation and Integrated Water Resources Management (SDG 6).

Their services are available to partner countries through DEVCO HQ and EU Delegations and include both remote and on-the-ground (in-country missions) technical assistance and backstopping, in the following areas:

  • Programming
  • Action identification, formulation & delivery (including Monitoring & Evaluation)
  • Capacity and knowledge development (e.g. organisation of training sessions)
  • Communication and outreach
  • Policy development, dialogue and coordination
  • Studies

The SWITCH to Green Facility focuses on the circular economy transition, supporting economic development and green job creation while contributing to environment and climate objectives. The facility will operate in a context of a strong EU focus on the circular economy as part of the European Green Deal, while a growing number of partner countries have shown an interest in this economic model to accelerate their industrial development and create job opportunities. This is already translating into requests for support from EU Delegations all over the world. The facility works closely with the regional SWITCH programmes and other EU initiatives, supporting coherence and coordination of relevant EU international cooperation actions.

The Water Facility is focused on strengthening policy analysis and implementation with regard to water and sanitation, in particular water sector policy reforms, Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM), transboundary water cooperation, all based on boosting access to water and sanitation. The new initiative aims to enable connections to a broad range of implementation partners, to mobilise cross-sector financial resources. Experts from the facility provide support for the development of investment projects, tailored to the local context and benefiting from both EU and multi-regional experience in water matters.