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Programme to protect vulnerable ecosystems in central South America launched

A new programme for the conservation, sustainable management and good governance of biodiversity in four vulnerable ecosystems of central South America was launched in Bolivia in June.

Group photo from the ZICOSUR meeting in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, June 2018

date:  02/10/2018

Named ZICOSUR, the programme began activities in January 2018. Five projects were selected through a call for proposals in 2017, for a total amount of EUR 10 million. The projects operate towards the top of the watershed of the Rio Paraguay, a tributary of the Rio de la Plata, and encompass all or part of four important ecosystems: the Pantanal, Bosque Chiquitano, Cerrado and Gran Chaco. The ecosystems are remarkable for their biodiversity, but subject to significant pressures related to infrastructure development and agricultural expansion.

The programme’s area extends to the north of Paraguay and Argentina, southeastern Bolivia and the states of Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul in southwestern Brazil. It intervenes along 3 lines: to consolidate the regional network of protected areas; to promote sustainable production systems; and to strengthen effective and inclusive environmental governance mechanisms. It is administered by the EU Delegation in Brasilia, with support from the delegations in La Paz, Buenos Aires and Asunción. The environment and sustainable development committee of regional organisation ZICOSUR assists with coordination and monitoring. The projects are executed by 5 consortia of local NGOs in partnership with public sector authorities, each working cross-border over 2 or 3 countries.

Noel Kempff Mercado National Park, Bolivia (copyright: Hermes Justiniano)

Noel Kempff Mercado National Park, Bolivia (Hermes Justiniano)


Noel Kempff Mercado National P...
(1.58 MB - JPG)

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