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Inclusive Green Economy Workshop

A workshop entitled ‘Inclusive Green Economy: seizing new opportunities to generate growth, create jobs and help reduce poverty’, was held in Kampala, Uganda, from 24 to 27 April 2017.

date:  28/09/2017

DEVCO C2, with the EU Delegation to Uganda and the SWITCH to Green facility, organised a four-day training programme on the Inclusive Green Economy (IGE) in Kampala in April 2017. The training was particularly interactive and tailored to the national context, building on the active involvement of the EU Delegation in designing and organising the event, the high participation of Ugandan counterparts, debates on relevant national policies such as the draft Uganda Green Growth Development Strategy, and the use of local initiatives to show case best practices at MSME level, including through a field visit to a SWITCH Africa Green project.

The training was launched by the Head of EU Delegation Kristian Schmidt, and attended by about 50 representatives from the European Commission (EUD Uganda and Headquarters), EU Member States, the Ugandan government, civil society organisations, and the private sector. Participants discussed the rationale for cooperation on the transition to an inclusive green economy, highlighting opportunities to both address environmental challenges and seize economic opportunities, as well as showcasing the business case for green practices. They also learnt about IGE related policies and practices, looking in particular at EU international cooperation priorities -as promoted in the New European Consensus on Development- and at Uganda's experience.

The seminar offered a balanced exposure to public and private initiatives supporting the transition to an IGE. The draft Uganda Green Growth Development Strategy, presented by government officials, was subject to a lively debate among local stakeholders eager to see plans being translated into concrete measures, with particular emphasis given to trade opportunities and the agricultural sector in Uganda. Local private companies explained the risks, challenges and rewards of their own green investments, including in terms of green job creation. International NGOs together with local CSOs showcased how sustainability prospects are boosted through initiatives aimed at changing behaviour, including actions supported by the EU under the SWITCH Africa Green Programme. Presentations from EU MS (e.g. Belgium Technical Cooperation project on sustainable trade certification, branding and marketing) as well as discussions on possible green economy scenarios in the medium term and on best practices (based on the documentary "tomorrow") also contributed to identify practical recommendations to promote the IGE through EU development cooperation.

The seminar identified various follow up actions to consolidate the attention given to IGE in Uganda, in particular in the context of EU bilateral cooperation in Uganda which prioritises the IGE a focal sector of the new 2018-2020 Multi-Annual Indicative Programme.

DEVCO C2 regularly organises training seminars on the Inclusive Green Economy, usually targeting several EUDs of a same region. The seminars can be tailor-made in terms of format and content. Interested EUDs are welcome to contact DEVCO C2 ( for further details.







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