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Regional and country environmental profiles now available

Regional and country environmental profiles (REPs and CEPs) developed by the European Commission are now available on the Capacity4dev group: 'Environment, Climate Change & Green Economy'.

date:  23/06/2017

REPs and CEPs are the main tools to support the integration of environment and climate change in the programming phase of EU project development. The reports include the analysis of the environmental and climate change situation of the country or region, an overview of environment and climate change policies and strategies, insight into institutional capacities and environmental/climate change co-operation experience, and recommendations for future EU cooperation, policy dialogue and  the integration of these topics in the Multiannual or Regional Indicative Programme (MIP/RIP).

The programming phase is crucial for environment and climate change integration, as it sets the basis for development cooperation throughout the cycle of operations.

Find REPs, CEPs and other environment and climate change mainstreaming tools at: