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Russia in Africa: Resurgent Great Power or Bellicose Pretender?

Three decades after the Soviet Union’s collapse, Russia has transformed from a fringe player to a resurgent great power in Africa. This book presents a chronological examination of Russia’s post-Cold War foreign policy towards Africa, and outlines the factors that have enabled and impeded the growth of its influence. It pays special attention to the non-material factors behind this rising power.

date:  10/02/2023

Keywords: Africa, Russia, geopolitics, international relationships, influence, militar power, Ukraine war, European Union, United States, China

Publisher: Hurst Publishers
Author: Samuel Ramani
ISBN-13: 9781787387072
Publication date: Feb 2023
Language: EN

The ebook will be available via Find-eR, the common catalogue of the libraries of the EC. How to borrow a book.