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Mangroves: the quiet achievers

See the special report and video about mangroves prepared by the Global Climate Change Alliance Plus (GCCA+).

GCCA+, 2020

date:  14/10/2020

Mangrove forests protect us from storms, suck carbon from the atmosphere, and provide a safe haven for endangered creatures and livelihoods for many millions of people. They live where the ocean meets the shore, where salt water meets freshwater and they are one of our best allies in the fight against climate change. That’s why protecting mangroves is a top priority for the European Union’s flagship climate change programme, the Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA+).

Read our special report on saving the world’s mangroves.

View video, Video: Mangroves; a climate blessing, (see below or follow link)

See GCCA+ Factsheet: Oceans and Coasts