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New: Quick Tips guide on Green Mobility

The series of ‘Quick Tips’ publications is produced to support DG DEVCO and EU Delegation staff with the integration of environment and climate change into sectoral programming.

date:  03/07/2020

Transport is one of the largest energy-consuming sectors and is one of the main contributors to man-made greenhouse gas emissions. It is also a key contributor to ambient air pollution, causing 4.2 million deaths annually.

The European Commission has released a new guidance note for EU staff to maximise opportunities for environmentally sustainable and climate-compatible passenger and freight transport, including road, rail, inland waterways, maritime and air transport.

The Quick Tips guide on Green Mobility provides practical examples of how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and pollution from the transport sector, how to use green instruments with proven effectiveness and how to promote resilience to climate change. This guide should also help with the design of mobility programmes that contribute to international environment and climate commitments, as well as ensure that environment and climate change are effectively integrated in budget support to the transport sector and in investments related to urban mobility.

See also the related document, Activities that qualify for Rio markers in the sustainable transport and mobility sector.


For further guidance on environment and climate change mainstreaming, contact:

DEVCO Environment and Climate Change Mainstreaming Facility

T: +32 229 622 83



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